5 - Group Psychology Flashcards
Social action
what a person does when others are around
Social interaction
how does that person interact with other people
Social facilitation
- people do better on SIMPLE tasks in the presence of other people
- Yerkes-Dodson law of social facilitation- being in presence of others raises arousal = enhance ability to perform on tasks you’re already good at
- arousal vs performance- bell shaped curve for complex tasks
- you see yourself not as a person, rather an anonymous group member
ex) soldiers, gang, masked rioters, KKK, internet- uniforms
antinormative behavior- mob mentality
mirrors in dressing room- you see yourself, are less likely to steal
same w/ interrogation room
Zimbardo = Stanford Prison expt- example of deindividuation - guards and prisoners
Milgram expt- authority, shocks- nametag, mask
Bystander effect
- when you are in a group of ppl, the likeliness of helping them is affected by the number of ppl around
- more ppl around = less likely to help
FACTORS- help more when
-more danger to victim, more responsible for victim, group cohesiveness
Kitty Genovese case
- murdered outside large apartment building
- many heard her scream for help but no one did anything
Car alarms
Social loafing
-in a group, you put less effort than if you were to do thing by yourself
physical effort, mental effort, taking initiative
ex) group projects
Peer pressure
Peers = ppl in social group –> equals!
risky behavior
identity shift effect = people don’t want to be rejected from the group, so they conform to the group
–causes cognitive dissonance/stress when counters beliefs, so you then change your identity
–social influence of others
Ex) Asch’s length of lines
-elevator expt- facing back
Group polarization
ex) should I build a bridge in the north or south? everyone’s like idc but then they’re like north and by the end they’re like we’re gonna build FIVE in the north and prohibit bridges from being built in the south— extremes
also called “risky shift” or “choice shift”
- groups tend to take riskier actions than an individual would
- renamed to choice shift bc you may have a shift to a choice that is more responsible/cautious- require bike helmets
Group think
ex) Bay of Pigs invasion
- return Cuban refugees, storm beach, overthrow Castro
- you want group to remain cohesive/calm
- brainstorming ideas, one person says an idea that’s terrible but a bunch of other people say yes it’s a great idea and no one wants to be the person that says it’s a terrible idea
Factors of groupthink- Janis
Illusion of invulnerability (=risks), Collective rationalization (ignore warnings), Illusion of morality, Excessive stereotyping (against outside opinions), Pressure of conformity (disagreer’s are seen as disloyal to group), Self-censorship (withhold opposing opinions), Illusion of unanimity (it only looks like everyone agrees), Mindguards (appoint members to protect against opposing views)
fad- transiently popular behavior- ex) tie dye
mass hysteria- shared concern about societal threats
- Salem Witch Trials
- TP buying after COVID
- beliefs, behavior, actions of group of people
ex) work culture, student culture (in your place)
Culture is LEARNED
Culture shock = anxiety in change in culture- typically when traveling
- Immigrants
- when you assimilate into a new culture, you change your behaviors to match the new culture
Ethnic enclaves- a bunch of immigrants of same place live in this one new place = slows assimilation
melting pot
uneven- merging of cultures
a community that embraces all cultures
-live sort of separately but acknowledge e/o as being equally important
Melting pot (assimilate) vs mosaic (multiculturalism)- celebrate coexisting cultures
- groups of people who resist cultures at large
ex) Goths, Punks, Hipsters, Homosexuals?
ex) LGBTQIA - trying to get individual identity broadcasted
counterculture- type of subculture- outwardly against majority- at the start of feminist movement
Michelangelo phenomenon
- who you are is not independent of your surroundings
- you’re constantly being made into your ideal self
- the self is made up of the intrapersonal-your own skills self and interpersonal self- what env influences on you
- ideal self sculpted by env and other people
differential association theory
-you hang out w/ bad kids so you’ll be a bad kid
labeling theory
- people say you’re a bad kid so you act bad
- –role engulfment
strain theory
-america’s ideals of a man should provide for family; one who can’t provide steals to provide
internalization vs identification
internalization- change your behavior to match w/ group and your ideas match w/ group
identification- just outward acceptance- personally don’t actually believe that
- lying
- being offered a commitment (only 5 hours a week) - then accept + other requirements
compliance vs obedience
compliance- change behavior by request- no obligation
obedience- authority