5) Discover Scuba Diving and Experience Programs Flashcards
In the Dive Today philosophy you lead with lots of academics and classroom sessions? T/F
Do you try to get them in the water as soon as possible? Y/N
False you lead with experience, anyone diving is a diver and anyone who is snorkeling is a snorkeler
Should you always refer to dive participants as divers or participants?
Should you explain the breathing rules just to sink below the water to experience diving or just let them try it?
Explain the breathing rules as safety is primary concern but not long briefings or extensive knowledge reviews
Should you explain how the dive experience may credit toward requirements in other PADI courses? Y/N
Goals of Discover Scuba Diving?
Allows people to try diving before committing to a course
Dispels common misconceptions
Let people work through anxiety about diving
People with disabilities who can’t meet full requirements enjoy and benefit diving
Instant gratification
Get people excited about enrolling in open water course
Can an Instructor and Assistant Instructors conduct a DSD program in a pool or confined water? Y/N
What about open water? Y/N
Are there skill performance requirements the participants need to meet first before an open water dive? Y/N
No, only instructors
Do you need to use the DSD Participant Guide, the DSD Cue Card, or the DSD Flip Chart to conduct a briefing? Y/N
Do they need to complete and sign the DSD Participant Guide? Y/N
If there is no shallow water to practice skills could you do it off the boat or dock by using a line, horizontal bar or platform? Y/N
What is the instructor to student ratio?
You could leave DSD participants unattended at the surface? Y/N
No, can’t leave unattended underwater either
Do you have to be so close to DSD participants to make physical contact?
Yes immediately
Should you engage in other activities like photo taking while supervising participants or must you continually observe participants?
Continually observe, no photos
Should DSD participants log their dive? Y/N
Should you register them with your PADI regional headquarters? Y/N
You can’t link the DSD for credit towards Open Water requirements? T/F
False - if they master open water confined skills dive one and conduct dive or master open water dive one skills and conduct dive with instructor (doesn’t count if with assistant instructor, dive master, etc)
Goal of PADI ReActivate?
Fun and convenient way to get certified divers back in the water enjoying scuba diving by refreshing their fundamental scuba knowledge and dive skills
Is their a knowledge review for PADI reActivate or just a dive skills refresher?
Do students attend extensive academic sessions in a classroom? Y/N
Do all divers want a lot of review and reminders as part of reActivate or should you conduct it prescriptively?
Can reActivate help junior divers refresh skills before upgrade? Y/N
If you want to upgrade from PADI Scuba Diver to PADI Open Water Diver do you need to do reActivate first? Y/N
Should divers who have not been active do reActivate before enrolling in a PADI continuing education course? Y/N
Yes, then follow upgrade procedures in Scuba Diver Course Instructor Guide
When it comes to snorkeling is PADI’s philosophy to instruct or just guide and assist?
Guide and assist (take a helpful rather than instructive approach)
PADI Skin Diver Course goals include: Enjoyment while building confidence Develop Good Judgement Gain experience T/F
Any benefit for 8&9 year olds?
They are too young for scuba course but can earn skin diver certification, which is an important and rewarding step
Do you have to do an open water dive for the PADI skin diver course? Y/N
Can you just do confined water training? Y/N
No there is also knowledge development
Where would I find info about linking credit for Skin Divers towards Seal Team Aqua Mission Skin Diver Specialist credit?
Instructor Manual
Would I find details about what is included in the PADI Skin Diver/Advanced Snorkeler in the Instructor Guide or Guide to Teaching?
Instructor Guide
When teaching kids you should do what with their parents, what about having other adults present, do you always need a good attitude and positive appearance?
Keep parents involved when teaching kids
Have other adults present during training
Maintain professional conduct, positive appearance and good attitude at all times
Will the “diver age restrictions” page under key standards list the tools to help you adequately inform parents or guardians and kids themselves about the risks involved with scuba diving? Y/N
Can 10 or 11 year olds dive alone? Y/N
Can 12 to 14 year olds just dive with an adult? Y/N
No they must dive with a parent or guardian or PADI professional
In addition to finding the limitations in certifications for young divers in the Instructor Manual in the Diver Age Restrictions Key Standards Page where else can you find them?
On their certification cards
You don’t have an obligation to inform parents and kids of the risks of diving? T/F
Kids depth limits are the same as adults? T/F
An instructor provides the same level of attention, supervision and direction with kids as with adults? T/F
False closer attention/supervision and more direction with kids
Can the Bubblemaker program be an effective diver-acquisition program?
What is the goal?
Introduce kids to underwater world under close supervision
Goal of PADI Seal Team
Can it count towards Confined Water Dive One? Y/N (Where can I find this answer)
Keep youngsters diving learning and having fun until ready to enroll in PADI Junior Open Water Course
Yes (Instructor Manual)
Benefits of Dive Today philosophy
Helps people discover thrill of breathing underwater themselves first
Helps diving compete with recreational activities that allow people to participate quickly
Helps overcome people’s objections and motivates them to continue
What is the first step you would take in day the Bubblemaker course?
Have participants read and parents/guardians read and sign the Bubblemaker statement