12) Confined Water Training Flashcards
Does confined water have to be a swimming pool? Y/N
No, but if not it should offer pool like conditions with respect to clarity, calmness, and depth
Limited open water maximum depth 30’, reasonable visibility, clam, little or no current, and sufficiently warm? T/F
If a student completes a skill in water in which they can stand, but the skill requires completing the skill in water too deep in which to stand, is the skill complete? Y/N
No, student must demo mastery while meeting all aspects of the objective, and they can’t move on
Is the purpose of confined water training to allow students to practice in an error tolerant environment? Y/N
Confined water doesn’t help students develop good habits? T/F
Should students wear the gear in confined water that they will wear in open water? Y/N
Yes as much as possible
There is no need to practice real diving circumstances in confined water? T/F
Should students use proper open water procedures and habits in confined water (ie signaling okay upon surfacing after establishing buoyancy)? Y/N
Should you have students practice judgement calls and problem management in realistic ways based on what they studied when doing confined water dives (ie practice using signaling device at surface)? Y/N
Practice teaches best when students find it enjoyably challenging? T/F
Students never need to return to confined water after certification? T/F
False (it’s convenient and error tolerant for skills refresher)
Students learn most effectively when they think of confined water dives as rehearsals and simulations for open water dives? T/F
Three considerations when setting up and/or choosing a confined water site?
1) Depth and conditions (usually relates to depth but could also relate to distance)
2) Equipment (spare equipment and extra weight, emergency equipment, floats, lines, etc)
3) Positioning (group skill requirements with similar depth requirements)
You don’t need to worry about your students facing into the sun, they can handle it? T/F
Three site specific elements included in initial confined water briefing?
1) Facility Overview (ie where to put gear, emergency equipment etc)
2) Facility Rules
3) Where to set up their gear
Should students try to do everything as if they were in open water? Y/N
Should you avoid doing for students what they can do for themselves? Y/N
Does having a plan about what your going to cover and the sequence help with control in confined water? Y/N
Students can figure things out, so no need to tell them where you want them or what they should do? T/F
Should you establish basic rules in confined water training such as tell me when you reach 500 psi, or let me know if you don’t understand, or don’t attempt skills you haven’t been taught yet? Y/N
Students will naturally stay together so there is no need to use a barrier such as a wall, line or even an assistant? T/F
You always need to be super serious, don’t be fun or positive, no one likes someone who is positively fun, seriously? T/F
You should make your assistant just carry the cylinders, don’t reward them, they’ll be effective and available enough? T/F
No need to communicate with your assistants they are smart, it’s not like they would help any better? T/F
Assistants don’t notice things? T/F
False - students may also feel more comfortable talking to an assistant
An initial confined water site briefing may include where students should set up their gear? T/F
Students in confined water training can suck it up if they are cold, or have to pee, or are distracted? T/F
False - being sensitive to these things helps with control
People best learn a motor skill just by watching and practicing, getting feedback accompanied by corrections, refinements, reinforcement and practice doesn’t help? T/F
Demonstration quality motor skills are normal speed, like how you would do them in the real world? T/F
False - they are slow, deliberate, and emphasize the details
Supervision during practice always has to be direct no matter the skill? T/F
False it can sometimes be indirect
When students practice they don’t need you there to prevent mistakes just to asses performance ? T/F
False - you manage practice to prevent mistakes that could cause unacceptable risk and asses performance
Redemonstrating a skill is not necessary as a problem is obvious? T/F
False - although problems are obvious the causes aren’t so re demoing a skill can help a student where to look for details, you can also emphasize sub skills
Once a student does a skill successfully there is no need for practice, remediation, and repetition? T/F
False - continue until mastery and later integrate with other skills as training progresses
No need to remind students when and why they would use particular skills? T/F
If a student makes a mistake you should correct and remediate mistakes and problems gently and patiently with deliberate, calm responses? T/F
Should you been within reach of brand new divers or observe from a distance?
Within reach
You should correct all student problems, even ones students could correct themselves? T/F
False - only correct problems students can’t or don’t within a reasonable amount of time, with the exception of immediately correcting problems that could cause injury.
Correct all problems privately except for attitude or interpersonal? T/F
False - correct so all students can learn by watching except attitude or interpersonal
You should point out things students did wrong such as not laying down their cylinders when setting up their gear? T/F
False- it’s better to point out correct behavior
Students can move on to the next confined water dive before they demonstrated mastery of all skills? T/F
You failed or you’re not yet there?
No yet
You should reinforce learning with reminders that emphasize the corrected points. T/F
Students have to do a skill the “PADI way” their are no adaptive techniques that accommodate individual differences to meet performance requirements? T/F
Where could I find specific ideas and recommendations for teaching skills?
Guide to Teaching
No need to emphasize buoyancy skills in entry level divers as it isn’t really central to being a diver and doesn’t effect most other skills? T/F
You should begging each session with a weight check? T/F
Proper weighting doesn’t influence mastering buoyancy? T/F
False - it is difficult if under or over weighted
Is it better to keep students on fin tips on a near neutral state or kneeing?
Fin tips
You should avoid making kneeling a habit? T/F
You should automatically give a student more weight even if they did a buoyancy check if they say they’re too buoyant? T/F
False- try adjusting their technique by having them relax, which is often the issue, or remind it’s normal that buoyancy changes when they breathe
There are or aren’t specific standards for teaching the controlled emergency swimming ascent (CESA) in the Instructor Manual?
In confined water you practice the skills vertically initially? T/F
False you do it horizontally and then diagonally
Do you need to explain to students that they do the CESA vertically in open water even though they practiced differently in confined water? Y/N
Dive flexible skills you can choose the dive in which to conduct them? T/F
When teaching the confined water dive course you need to exit the water between dives even if you met all the skill requirements in the first dive before transitioning to the next confined water dive skills? T/F
How do you track skill mastery? Do you just remember what students did?
Cue cards check off or requirement checklist slates then later can transfer to appropriate course forms digital or paper
No need to save signed knowledge reviews, answer sheets, or other documents such as medical statements in PADI student record files? T/F
Do instructors have to sign off on logged open water training dives? Y/N
If there is a question as to whether a student completed a skill or demonstrated mastery just assume they did? T/F
False have them do it again at worst it’s just more practice
A student is having trouble with the mask clearing skill in confined water dive 2, is it allowable to move the skill to the end of the session to try again while you continue with other skills? Y/N
Five elements of a confined water teaching presentation?
1) Briefing
2) Demonstration
3) Problem Solving
4) Control and Delivery
5) Debriefing
Five elements of briefing?
1) Performance requirement (need to tell students this for the skill ie when we finish you’ll be able to clear a fully flooded mask)
2) value (why and when they need the skill
3) Review or describe skill (if learning for first time describe how to do it , walking through it dry as much as you can)
4) signals- Show students signals you intend to use during skill
5) organization - explain how you want things to go
You should mention all the mistakes a student could make? T/F
False - only those that could be immediately hazardous
If students are first learning a skill there is no need to demonstrate it just let them give it a try first? T/F
An instructor might want to repeat a demonstration to show all the details or to be sure everyone sees the demonstration? T/F
If a student has a problem learning a skill you should respond slowly frantically and incorrectly? T/F
False- respond quickly, correctly, and calmly
You are teaching a skill in shallow water where you can stand, could you stand and discuss a skill if a student has a problem? Y/N
After the student has a problem performing a skill and then performs it correctly you don’t need to communicate further to reinforce the correct technique? T/F
In open water you don’t need to worry about positioning students so they don’t harm aquatic life? T/F
If a student diver does not meet a skill performance requirement as stated by PADI standards and the instructor moves on without having the student demonstrate mastery it is a violation of standards? T/F
Do students have to use a specific technique to let a performance requirement or is insisting they do often a waste of time?
Often a waste of time
Five elements to cover during your debriefings?
1) skill reinforcement (compliment students and remind them of aspects of skill you want to reinforce ie great job remembering to look up)
2) problem identification (state a problem that occurred and the technique problem ie a problem was ascending to quickly because air was not let out of the BC)
3) proper technique (doing so emphasizes the correction, be sure to state the problem too)
4) performance requirement (restate what should have learned)
5) value (why and when need ie masks gets bumped and floods it’s no problem)
You should just list the briefing and debriefing elements, no need to integrate them in a conversational way??T/F
What aspects of control and delivery should you address during a confined water teaching presentation?
- be organized and time effective
- show environmental awareness
- communicate frequently with assistants and students
- position students and assistants so can easily see
When teaching skills demonstrations apply?
A) for refinements or corrections after attempting skill
B) when student initially learns
C) if someone doesn’t understand what to do from your briefing
If a student has trouble with a skill in water you can stand in and doesn’t understand your signal you should?
Just stand up to discuss it together
Best way to positively reinforce students skill performance
A) You guys are awesome
B) you guys did great I love you guys
C) you guys did great I really liked how you controlled your buoyancy and stayed off the bottom