#5 central Monoamines Flashcards
what is a biogenic amine?
biomolecules with one or more amine groups.
the vast majority of monamine transmiters are restricted to the ______?
what is the general function of monoaminergic systems?
they improve the signal to noise ratio in other systems.
what permits switching between behavioral states?
monoamines in functions such as waking, sleeping, etc.
T/F Mono-amines are thought to play a crucial role in emotion and cognition?
which 3 (major) substances play a large role in maintenance of mood and behavior?
T/F individual biogenic amines cannot influence/modulate other biogenic amines?
False, this is a major point that they can. They can also modulate other neurotransmitter systems.
What is DA? AD?
AD= “Alzheimers disease”, and/or “Adrenaline”
what is central to all biological mental illnesses?
disturbances in CMS. (central monoaminergic systems)
when you give a drug to treat depression, where is the most likely area it is targeting?
where do most abused/illegal drugs act?
either directly or indirectly on the CMS
where do you find the nuclei for serotonin?
there are twelve of them located in the mid brain, pons, medulla, and upper spinal cord in areas called raphe nuclei.
what are the two divisions of raphe nuclei?
ascending and descending
what are the names of the 5-HT cell groups that secrete serotonin?
1) dorsal
2) pontis
3) magnus
4) pallidus
5) obscuras
Which raphe ascend?
dorsal and pontis raphe
what is the medial forebrain bundle?
the connectionpathway between rostral raphe and thalamus, hypothalamus, amygdala, hippocampus, and forebrain.
Does the ascending tract of the 5-HT system pass through the internal capsule?
yes, as well as the medial fore-brain bundle.
which raphe make up the descending 5-HT system?
raphe magnus and obscuras
what is the raphe spinal pathway?
the pathway from raphe obscuras to spinal cord that releases serotonin.
does the raphe magnus connect with the spinothalmic pathway?
Yes, in the dorsal horn and functions as an endogenous analgesic system.
How is serotonin released?
1) in synapses like a neurotransmitter
2) sprinkled out in general locations
All receptors for serotonin are __________ except for one which is a ligand gated cation channel?
G protein coupled receptors
what is the distribution of serotonin like in the cortex?
not uniform
what is the function of the amigdala’s?
fear, anxiety, other emotions.
what is the function of the hippocampus?
declarative and spatial memory
what is the function of the striatum?
movement, motivation, addiction, mood
what is the function of the thalamus?
associations, consciousness, arousal, attention
what is the function of the hypothalamus?
circadian rhythm, sexual functions, appetite.
where are the highest densities of serotonin fibers found? Lowest?
1) (highest) primary sensory cortices and limbic lobe.
2) (lowest) motor and premotor cortices