BC discretionary response to class E or J alarms requires
Monitoring of the alarm by the BC assigned on the Class 3
When an alarm is received from a class E or J alarm system with no additional info and the response in one Engine or one Ladder the
BC may either monitor the radio or respond based on their discretion. If the BC responds on the discretionary box the dispatcher shall be notified
The decision to respond by the BC shall be based on knowledge of the conditions existing at the time such as
Experience level of officers
Relocated units
If a preliminary report from the assigned engine or ladder is not received in a reasonable time frame (5-10 minutes) chief officers monitoring the radio shall contact
The dispatcher and request a preliminary report
Battalions are responsible for any
Required reports
If a subsequent alarm is received while the BC is monitoring
BC shall not be directed unless it is a serious fire and the assigned battalion is the nearest BC