The dispatcher shall provide a TL on the 1st alarm for these schools. In this assignment the dispatcher
Would not substitute but would add a 3rd ladder (TL) if the 1st two ladders which would be assigned are not so equipped
Need for Tower Ladder
On 1st alarm assignment
Administrative units shall
Not issue a VO for non-compliance with FP Directive 2-84
FP Directive 2-84 requires school principals to
Prepare a written fire drill and evacuation plan for students in the Architectural Barrier Removal (ABR) school buildings
Although the intent of FP Directive 2-84 places the responsibility for preparing a written fire drill and evacuation plan directly on the
Principal involved, it is likely that he will require some assistance from the Fire Department. Therefore, the local BC shall assist the principal where Fire Department expertise is necessary
The exterior evacuation path of the ambulatory students shall avoid
The vicinity adjacent to holding rooms in which the TL is expected to position
The Bureau of Fire Prevention after concurrence with the Board of Educations Office of School Safety, will arrange to have the
- Administrative Battalion meet with the principal involved
* Only REGULARLY ASSIGNED BC’s shall participate in these meetings
When approved copies of the fire drill and evacuation plans will be forwarded to
- Bureau of Operations
* Admin Div, Batt, Company and all 1st alarm units
Approved plans are to be carried in the
Division and Battalion vehicles
As an interim measure, in schools where 2-way
Voice communication systems in the holding rooms is not yet installed, entry on the
CIDS card shall include this fact. This will alert units to the need for FDNY HT contact with each holding area room
The principal shall be designated as the
- Evacuation Officer
- In his absence the Assistant Principal or designee shall assume the responsibility
- Shall report to the Fire Chief in charge the room numbers and locations of holding areas and number of persons in each room
3 types of schools with handicapped students
Who is responsible for entering all handicapped schools into the CIDS program
- CIDS Control Desk
* If necessary they will contact the admin companies to obtain additional information
ABR Schools are
In substantial or complete compliance with FP Directive 2-84
- Not in substantial or complete compliance with FP Directive 2-84
- May have Non ambulatory students above/below 1st floor
- An ISP is required for theses schools
- Without plans for compliance.
* In the near future an ISP will be required for students above/below 1st floor
Individualized Safety Plan - ISP
- Wheel chair bound students
- Attends classes above/below the 1st floor
- No holding rooms in these schools
Students that are not wheelchair bound
Will not routinely require an ISP. If the student has such limited mobility that a holding room would be required, then an ISP would be developed
ISP Plan
Cardboard or loose leaf binder Name Location in building throughout the day Name of staff responsible to evacuate the student Name of backup staff member