4B A&P and Pathology of the Small Intestine (Part 2) Flashcards
What is emulsification?
Taking big globules of fat and dispersing them into smaller droplets
What is responsible for emulsification?
What is the benefit of emulsification?
Increasing surface area of exposed of fat
After emulsification, which two pancreatic enzymes begin digestion on the emulsified fat droplets?
Pancreatic lipase and his friend colipase
What are micelles?
Lipids coated with bile acids to protect and sequester it from water, so the lipids could travel thru the water
Where do micelles go after they form?
To the brush border
How do the micelles get inside the brush border cells?
They merge with the phospholipid bilayer of the brushborder and the fatty contents are uptaken into the inside of the absorptive enterocyte
What happens to the fatty products brought into the cells from the micelles?
Inside they cell they get repackaged with protein-coated chylomicrons
What happens to the chylomicrons?
They go to the lymph vessels - lacteals (lymphatic capillaries) first, then thoracic ducts before going into the blood when the lymph empties into the subclavian veins
Which is bigger lacteals or blood capillaries?
Lacteals (lymphatic capillaries)
Where does the thoracic duct empty into the venous circulation?
At the juncture of the jugular and subclavian veins
What is Lipemia? When does it occur?
Lipid in the blood.
W/in an hour after eating a fatty meal
What is the half-life of chilomicrons?
Less than 60 minutes, so plasma usually becomes clear within a few hours
What is the fate of chilomicrons?
Removed from blood as they pass thru the capillaries of adipose tissue and the liver
What enzyme does adipose tissue and the liver contain large quantities of?
Lipoprotein lipase
Where is lipoprotein lipase especially active?
In the capillary enthothelium
What does lipoproteinn lipase do?
Hydrolyzes the TGs of chylomicrons into FAs and glycerol, which diffuse into adipocytes (storage) & hepatocytes (re-packaged into lipoproteins and exported to blood)
Can tissues use the contents of chylomicrons?
Yes, sir!
What are the five general types of lipoproteins?
Chylomicrons VLDL IDL LDL HDL
Where are chylomicrons synthesized?
By the enterocytes of the small intestine.
What lipoproteins does the liver synthesize?
What do VLDLs contain?
High TGs, moderate cholesterol and phospholipids
What do IDLs contain?
Moderate TGs, cholesterol and phospholipids
What do LDLs contain?
Low TGs, high cholesterol and phospholipids
What do HDLs contain?
Lows TGs, cholesterol and phospholipids