1C Salivation Flashcards
Which salivary gland is the biggest?
Which salivary gland is prone to inflammation from the mumps virus infection?
What is the range of normal saliva secretion daily?
800-1500 mL
Which diseases affect salivary glands resulting in xerostomia?
Sjogren’s syndrome, HIV/AIDS, diabetes, and Parkinson’s disease
What is Sjogren’s sydrome?
An autoimmune disease that strikes salivary glands
What does a basic unit of the salivary gland consist of?
Acinus (blind end of a branching duct system), Intercalated duct, and striated duct
What kind of cells surround each acinus?
Myoepithelial cells
What are myoepithelial cells?
A cross b/w a muscle and an epithelial cell
What do myoepithelial cells do?
Contract and compress the acinus to help facilitate the movement of saliva out into the duct system
Are myoepithelial cells present in the intercalated ducts?
Where does the saliva go from the acinus?
Into the intercalated duct
Where does the saliva go from the intercalated duct/
Striated duct
What are the three classifications of acini?
Serous, mucous, and mixed
About what percentage of all saliva daily does the parotid gland produce? Submandibular? Sublingual?
25% from Parotid, 71% from Submandibular, and 3-4% from Sublingual
What is Stensen’s duct?
Drains the parotid gland
What is Wharton’s duct?
Drains the submandibular gland
What is the sublingual gland drained by?
Approximately 10 small ducts - the Ducts of Rivinus
What is the composition of saliva?
99.5% water and .5% electrolytes and protein.