2A A&P of the stomach Flashcards
What are the four main regions of the stomach?
Cardia, fundus, body, and pylorus (CFBP - can’t find blood pressure)
What are the two sphincters of the stomach?
LES and pyloric
What hangs off the greater curvature of the stomach?
Greater omentum (visceral peritoneum)
What are the three layers of the muscularis mucosa?
Longitudinal (outer), circular(middle), oblique(innermost)
How does the muscularis layer in the stomach differ from most of the GI tract?
Has a third layer (innermost) of muscle fibers running oblique. Most of the GI tract only has two layers - longitudinal and circular
What is the most important protection of the gastric mucosa from gastric acids and enzymes?
A layer of alkaline mucus - gastric mucosal barrier
What role do prostaglandins play in the stomach?
Protect the stomach mucosa from injury by enhancing alkaline mucus production
What does the alkaline mucus contain a lot of?
What is the pH at the cell surface of stomach mucosa cells? Stomach pH?
Close to neutral.
pH of 2
How long to cells at the surface of the stomach live?
3-4 days
What kind of epithelium makes up the mucosal surface of the stomach?
Simple columnar epithelium
What is the stomach epithelium dotted with?
Millions of deep channels called gastric pits
what are gastric pits lined with?
Columns of specialized cells called gastric glands
Where do gastric glands reside?
Within the gastric pits
What cells line the gastric pits?
Surface lining cells, regenerative cells, mucous neck cells, Parietal cells, Chief cells, and Enteroendocrine cells
Which cells in the gastric pit produce the most alkaline mucus?
Mucous neck cells
What do parietal cells produce?
HCL and intrinsic factor