48 workbook 3 Flashcards
the dominat struture seen within the embryonic cranium with the first trimester is that of the ___________which fills the lateral ventricles that in turn fill the cranial vault
choriod plexus
___________of the cranial vault is not complete in the first trimester, resulting falst cranial border definition may give rise to a fals negative diagnoses for cranial anomaly
an abnormality that may be seen near the end of the first trimester when there is absence of the cranium superior to the orbits with presercvatoin of the base of the skull and facial features with the brain projected from the open cranial vault is ________
in __________the choriod plexus is shown to be dangling in teh dilated dependent lateral ventricle
on ultrasound a large posterior fossa cyst that is continuous with the fourth ventricle and elevated tentorium and dilatation of the thrid and lateral ventricles may be seen in a fetus with ___________
Dandy Walker malformation
the fetal urinary bladder becomes sonographically apparent at __________weeks gestation
once of the most common abnormalities seen sonographically in the first trimester is __________
cystic hygroma
sonographically placental hematomas may be difficult to distinguish from _________hemorrhages
Sub chronic
by far the most common ovarian mass seen in the first trimester of pregnancy is a ____________cyst
corpus luteum
list the associated risk factors for ectopic pregnancy
rise in PID
use of IUD’s
fallopian tube surgery
infertility treatments
history of ectopic pregnancy
the most important finding in scanning for ectopic pregnancy is to deterimne if there is a normal intrauterine gestation (thus ruling our the possibility of an ectopic pregnancy) or if the uterine cavity is ________and an adnexal ________is present
as many as 20% of patients with ectopic pregnancy demonstrate an intrauterine saclike structure known as the __________
pseudogestational sac
corneal pregnancy or _________is potentially the most life threatening of all ectopic gestatoins
embryonic cardiac rates lower than _______beats per min at any gestational age with the first trimester have been shown to be a poor prognostic finding
the most common occurence of bleeding in the first trimester results from __________hemorrhage
several sonographic findins may be shown with ____________abortion ranging from an intact gestatoinal sac with a onliving embryo to a collapsed gestational sac that is grossly misshapen
incomplete spontaneous
a proliferative disease of the trophoblast after a pregnancy i ____________disease
gestational trophoblastic
in teh above condidtion, serum levels of beta-hCG are dramatically _________often to greater than 100, 000 IU/ml
the characteristic “_________” appearance of hydatidiform mole which includes a moderately echogenci soft tissue mass fillin the uterine cavity and studded with small cystic spaces representing hydropic chorionic villi may be seen on ultrasound
bilateral __________cysts have been reported in as many as half of molar prenancies