47 workbook 4 Flashcards
Clinicians and sonogrpahers use __________to date the pr=egnancy, with the first day of the last menstrual period as the beginning of gestation
gestational age
in the first 9 menstrual weeks, the conceptus is called a ______
for the time after the first 9 weeks the embryo is called a __________
the gestational age (known as postmenstrual age) is calculated by adding _______weeks to conceptional age
the fertilized ovum which now should be referred to as a ________undergoes rapid cellular division to form the 16 cell morula
the blastocyte typically enters the uterus 4 to 5 days after fertilization with implantation occurring _______days after ovulation
7-9 days
although the organ function remains as minimal the __________system is the first organ to develope rapidly with the first heartbeats noted between 5.5 and 6 weeks
gestational sac size and hCG levels increase __________until 8 menstrual weeks
after 8 weeks hCG levels ______and subsequently decline whle the gestational sac continues to grow
a normal gestational sac can be consistently demonstrated when the hCG level ranges between_________mIU/mL
the sonographer must be aware that when the hCG level is elevated and the gestational sac is not seen within the uterus an __________pregnancy should be considered
the interface between the dicidua capsularis and the echogenic highly vascularized endometrium forms the ___________sign, which has been reported to be a reliable sign of a viable gestation
double decidual sac
the gestatoinal sac grows at a predictable rate of _______mm per day in early pregnancy
the first intragestational sac anatomy seen is the sonographic ________sac which is routinely visualized between 5 and 5.5 weeks gestation
secondary yolk sac
the limb buds are embryonically recognizable during the ______week of gestatoin
the spine is also developing during the embryonic period particularly in the _____week of gestation
the embryonic face undergoes significant evolution starting in the 5th week of gestatoin with palate fusion beginning aruond the _____week of gestation
at approxiamtely 10 weeks gestation the midgut loop contiunes to grow and rotate before it decends into the fetal abdomen at about the _________week
the cystic rhomboid fossa can conographically be imaged routinely from the _______week of gestatoin
it is important to note that the _______ventricles completely fill the cerebral vault at this time in gestatoin