45 workbook 1 Flashcards
age of embryo stated as time from day of conception
embryonic age
conception age
length of pregnancy difined in the US as number of weeks from first day of last normal menstrual period (LNMP)
gestational age
neural tube defect characterized by absence of the brain, including the cerebrum, cerebellum and the basal ganglia
one of the several biochemical tests used to assess fetal risk for aneuploidy or fetal defect; a component of the “triple screen”. the normal value of MSAFP, vaires with gestational age and assessment of age is essential for accurate interpretation of results
maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein
bleeding from a normally situated placenta as a result of its complete or partial ditachment after the 20th week of gestation
abruptio placentae
condition in which the cervix dilates silently during the second trimester;without intervention, the membranes bulge through the cervix and rupture, and the fetus drops out, resulting in premature preterm delivery
incompetent cervix
ligatures arond the cervix uteri to treat cervical incompetence during pregnancy
reduced growth rate or abnormal growth pattern of the fetus, resulting in a small for gestation age fetus
intrauterine growth restriction
aspiration of aq sample of amnionitic fluid through the mother’s abdomen for diagnostic analysis of fetal genetics, maturity and or disease
exceptionalloy large infant with excessive fat depostion in the subcutaneous tissue; most frequently seen in fetuses of diabetic mothers
abnormal conception in which there is partial or complete conversion of the chorionic villi into grapelike vesicles
hydatidiform mole
placental implantation encroaches upon the lower uterine segmetn; if the placenta presents first in late pregnancy bleeding is inevitable
placenta previa
organ of communication whereby nutrition and products of metablolism are interchanged between the fetal and maternal blood systems; is formed from the chorion frondosum with a maternal decidual contribution
excessive amount of amniotic fluid
reduced amount of amniotic fluid