4.4 - Market Research Flashcards
periodicial publications from educational and research institutions that publish data and info
academic journals
market research conducted when required in order to deal with a specific problem/issue
ad-hoc market research
market research conducted on an ongoing basis
continuous market research
uses research participants who are easy to reach
convenience sampling
small discussion groups to gain insight into attitude + behavior of respondents
focus groups
type of secondary market search, official documents by government entities
government publications
type of primary research that involves discussions to investigate personal circumstances
secondary market research, reveals characteristics, trends, outlook for a product or industry
market analysis
marketing activities designed to discover the opinions, belifs and preferences of potential/existing customers
market research
secondary market research, documents in print or online
media articles
primary research method, watching how people behave in different situations
sources availble online for research purposes
online secondary market research
all potential customers of a particular market
gathering new data for a specific purpose
primary market research
non-numerical responses from research participants in order to understand behavior
qualitative market research