2.1 - Intro to HR management Flashcards
average age of the population getting higher (happens more often in high-income countries)
ageing population
statistical study of population characteristics (data such as birth rates, ageing population, net migration rates)
a system that allows workers to have automomy over when they work, as long as the deadline is met
labour markets where workers are on short-term, temporary contracts (or freelance work)
gig economy
aspect of flexitime where ppl work from home
role of managers in planning + developing an organization’s people
done through interrelated functions like recruitment, selection, training, and development of employees
human resource management (HRM)
management process of forecasting an organization’s current and future staffing needs
human resource planning (workforce planning)
people who move to other countries in search of better job prospects and opportunities
migrant workers
the flexibility of workers to move to different locations/changing to different jobs
mobility of labour
difference between number of workers entering a country (immigration) and the number of workers leaving (emigration)
net migration
ppl who simultaneously carry out a number of different jobs (usually temporary)
portfolio workers
John P. Kotter’s model for reducing impact/resistance to change:
education and communication
participation and involvement
facilitation and support
negotiation and agreement
manipulation and co-option
explicit and implicit coercion
six change approaches
working away from the office by using tech
number of employees at any one point in time for an organization