44 (a little 30) Flashcards
1 dark and difficult to see through
murky water
2 complicated and difficult to understand SYN obscure
The laws on intellectual property are murky.
the murky waters (=complicated subject) of sexuality and jealousy
3 involving dishonest or illegal activities that are kept secret SYN shady
a murky world of fraud and secret deals
a politician with a murky past
difficult to do or needing a lot of effort:
Like laborious
the onerous task of finding a peaceful solution
She found the duties of motherhood onerous.
making you anxious
a worrisome problem
very risky and unproven
You might have great ideas about starting your own business but your plans are speculative until you earn money from them. Like unsubstantiated
Conjecture: guess, hypothesis
a feeling of anxiety or fear about something that is going to happen
With some trepidation, I opened the door.
ترس و لرز
As an added incentive, there’s a bottle of champagne for the best team.
create/provide/give somebody an incentive
Awards provide an incentive for young people to improve their skills.
incentive to do something
Farmers lack any incentive to manage their land organically.
economic/financial/tax etc incentives
a recycling drive backed with financial incentives
serious - strong
acute pain
The housing shortage is more acute than first thought.
an acute angle is less than 90° opp obtuse (between 90 and 180)
1 made or done cheaply or carelessly
shoddy goods/service/workmanship etc
We’re not paying good money for shoddy goods.
2 unfair and dishonest
shoddy journalism
1 افسانه - داستان قدیمی
2 a commonly believed but false idea:
Statistics disprove the myth that women are worse drivers than men.
It can be difficult to disentangle fact from myth.
infertile. unproductive
1 a person or animal that is sterile cannot produce babies SYN infertile OPP fertile
make/render/leave somebody sterile
Radiotherapy has left her permanently sterile.
2 completely clean and not containing any bacteria that might cause infection
sterile equipment/water/bandages etc
Rinse the eye with sterile water.
► see thesaurus at clean
3 lacking new ideas, interest, or imagination(like pedesterian) OPP productive
sterile argument/debate etc
the increasingly sterile debate on political reform
4 a sterile building, room etc is not interesting or attractive and is often very plain
The classrooms are sterile, with no artwork on the walls.
5 sterile land cannot be used to grow crops SYN barren
come at the cost of something
ب قیمت چیزی تموم شدن
by giving up or hurting (something else) She completed the project on time but at the cost of her health.
Exact a high price گرون تموم شدن
to look like or be similar to someone or something
It’s amazing how closely Brian and Steve resemble each other.
He grew up to resemble his father.
nearness in distance or time. Like vicinity
proximity to
We chose the house for its proximity to the school.
proximity of
the proximity of the Bahamas to the States
Here the rich and the poor live in close proximity (=very near to each other).
the mainstay of something
a) an important part of something that makes it possible for it to work properly or continue to exist
Agriculture is still the mainstay of the country’s economy.
b) someone who does most of the important work for a group or organization
She was the mainstay of the team.
the complete opposite of something
antithesis of
This is not democratic. It is the antithesis of democracy.
1 strongly supporting a particular political party, plan, or leader, usually without considering the other choices carefully
British newspapers are highly partisan.
2 relating to the fighting of an armed group against an enemy that has taken control of its country
the nature of partisan warfare
ordinary and not interesting SYN everyday
He promised to tackle the workaday matters affecting people’s daily lives.
relating to how a person or situation seems to be, rather than how it really is OPP inward
The economy and outward appearance of the area have changed considerably.
His clenched fist was the only outward sign of his anger.
felt or experienced in your own mind but not expressed to other people.
a feeling of inward satisfaction
inward panic
1 happy and confident
Phil was in a buoyant mood.
2 buoyant prices etc tend to rise
a buoyant economy
3 able to float or keep things floating
Cork is very buoyant.
Flamboyant: behaving in a confident or exciting way that makes people notice you. Showy manner