25 - 27 Flashcards
fungible goods/commodities
fungible assets/bonds
1 showing lack of emotional involvement
Try to take a more detached view.
2 being or feeling set or kept apart from others SYN isolated
“she felt detached from the group”
3 no longer connected or joined SYN separated
“a detached part”
4 a detached house or garage is not joined to another building
(positive) and making you feel that good things will happen OPP downbeat
For all the trouble she’s been through, Anna is remarkably upbeat.
in a way that shows you do not know or realize something SYN unknowingly ندونسته
Friedmann had unwittingly broken the law.
an area of land, when considering its natural features:
The car handles particularly well on rough terrain.
to completely stop something by making it illegal غیرقانونی اعلام کردن
The bill would have outlawed several types of guns.
to show that you are very happy and proud, especially because you have succeeded in doing something
exult at/in/over
She exulted in her new discovery.
‘We made the front page!’ Jos exulted.
a sense of exultation
1 a substance that stops the effects of a poison پادزهر
antidote to
There is no known antidote to a bite from this snake.
2 something that makes an unpleasant situation better
laughter, the antidote to stress
very careful and thorough SYN meticulous. Minute
The work had been done with painstaking attention to detail.
Chris described in painstaking detail what had happened.
a miscellaneous set of things or people includes many different things or people that do not seem to be connected with each other. Like motley
a miscellaneous assortment of books
They receive a grant of £1,094 to cover the cost of miscellaneous expenses.
to react to pain by wincing, pulling away, or cringing. Often it’s used to describe a person who shows a moment of weakness or fright: he was so tough, I thought he’d never flinch, but snakes really freak him out.
unflinching: not changing or becoming weaker, even in a very difficult or dangerous situation
unflinching courage
شسته رفته
a man who is dapper is nicely dressed, has a neat appearance, and is usually small or thin
a dapper little man in a grey suit
happening or coming after something else → consequent
These skills were passed on to subsequent generations.
subsequent pages of the book
subsequent to something
events that happened subsequent to the accident
مقدر شده
there is little about us that is completely destined.
1 powerful, cruel, and unfairظالم
an oppressive military regime
2 weather that is oppressive is unpleasantly hot with no movement of air
the oppressive heat of the afternoon
3 a situation that is oppressive makes you unhappy, worried, or uncomfortable
an oppressive silence
an oppressive atmosphere
پستان دار
Pirate: دزد دریایی
1 the custom of being married to only one husband or wife → bigamy, polygamy
2 when a person or animal has a sexual relationship with only one partner
Monogamy is rare in most animal groups, but is common among birds.
حروف بی صدا
vowel: حروف صدادار
to not have or do something enjoyable:
I shall have to forgo the pleasure of seeing you this week.
go without
to make something completely clean and free from bacteria
using threats or orders to make someone do something they do not want to do اجباری
coercive measures to reduce absenteeism
1 arid land or an arid climate is very dry because it has very little rain
Water from the Great Lakes is pumped to arid regions.
2 not having any new, interesting, or exciting features or qualities
My mind was arid, all inspiration gone.
without unnecessary or special features or decorations
They liked their churches to be unadorned.
adorn: decorate
vest something in somebody
to give someone the official right to do or own something
Copyright is vested in the author for 50 years.
Reductive things oversimplify information or leave out important details. A reductive argument won’t win a debate, because it tries to make a complex issue much too simple. از سروتش زده شده
binary system
سیستم صفر و یکی