19 - 21 Flashcards
more important than anything else
During a war the interests of the state are paramount, and those of the individual come last.
Women’s role as mothers is of paramount importance to society.
Almost like salient or mainstay
Mainstream: most usual ideas or accepted by most people
1 always obeying another person and doing everything they want you to do – used when someone seems too weak and powerless. like acquiescent or compliant or submissive
subservient to
Don remained entirely subservient to his father.
subservient role/position
His wife refused to accept a traditional subservient role.
2 formal less important than something else SYN subordinate
subservient to
the rights of the individual are made subservient to the interests of the state
1 to invent a story, piece of information etc in order to deceive someone
The police were accused of fabricating evidence. like make up داستان بافتن
2 technical to make or produce goods or equipment SYN manufacture
The discs are expensive to fabricate.
1 a marginal change or difference is too small to be important OPP significant
a marginal increase in the unemployment figures
a marginal improvement in profits
4 marginal people or groups are not considered powerful or important اقلیتOPP mainstream
The album contains too many songs by marginal bands.
1 not based on facts or good reasons
ideologically/scientifically/ecologically etc unsound
a test that’s scientifically unsound
2 an unsound building or structure is in bad condition
The houses are structurally unsound.
3 formal physically or mentally ill
people of unsound mind (=people who are mentally ill)
verb: acquire
1 [uncountable] the process by which you gain knowledge or learn a skill
the acquisition of language
2 [uncountable] the act of getting land, power, money etc
acquisition of
the acquisition of new sites for development
3 [countable] formal something that you have obtained by buying it or being given it
The Art Society is holding an exhibition of recent acquisitions.
making a lot of money
to relax and stop feeling anxious
a beautiful country hotel that is the perfect place to unwind
to reduce or prevent the bad effect of something, by doing something that has the opposite effect. Almost like negate
They gave him drugs to counteract his withdrawal symptoms.
not active because you are lazy or sleepy حال نرری
a torpid mind
Like torpor
someone who is patronizing talks to you in a way that shows they think you are less intelligent or important than them SYN condescending
a patronizing attitude
a patronizing tone
I don’t mean to sound patronizing.
نگاهشون از بالا ب پایینه
the ability to think quickly and make good judgments. Like trenchant or laconic
business/political/financial etc acumen
The firm’s success is largely due to Brannon’s commercial acumen.
more powerful, more common, or more easily noticed than others
the predominant group in society
In this painting, the predominant colour is black.
able to contain a lot
a capacious suitcase
as adjective
1 extremely small
You only need a minute amount.
Her handwriting is minute.
2 paying careful attention to the smallest details SYN meticulous
a minute examination of the rock
He explained the plan in minute detail.
1 → fraught with problems/difficulties/danger etc
full of problems etc
Their marriage has been fraught with difficulties.
2 full of anxiety or worry SYN tense
a fraught atmosphere
a fraught situation
Julie sounded rather fraught.
We can therefore discount his dyspeptic remarks about Coleridge being an apostate.
thinking a lot about something, especially because you are worried or sad → thoughtful
Jan looked pensive.
To search for something by moving things around in a careless or hurried way
rummage in/through etc
Looks like someone’s been rummaging around in my desk.
Scatter for finding something.
unpleasant and likely to offend people SYN offensive
objectionable odours
This programme contains scenes some viewers may find objectionable.
Objection: ایراد
as noun: goal
As adjective: based on facts rather than one’s feelings or beliefs
(Objectivity: a lack of bias.. maintaining one’s objectivity is the most important job of a judge)
1 goal or purpose
2 (شئ)
tangential information, remarks etc are only related to a particular subject in an indirect way
tangential to
The matter you raise is rather tangential to this discussion.
1 a corrosive liquid such as an acid can destroy metal, plastic etc
a highly corrosive substance
2 written gradually making something weaker, and possibly destroying it SYN damaging. Insidious. Pernicious
the corrosive effect of money in sport
مسدود کردن
Ms. Harvey’s mortgage company has threatened to foreclose on her Houston home.
1 a unanimous decision, vote, agreement etc is one in which all the people involved agree
It was decided by a unanimous vote that the school should close.
almost/virtually unanimous
The decision to appoint Matt was almost unanimous.
2 agreeing completely about something
unanimous in (doing) something
The banks were unanimous in welcoming the news.
Like unanimity
the reappearance and growth of something that was common in the past
resurgence of
There has been a resurgence of interest in religion over the last ten years.
resurgence in
a resurgence in the popularity of 60s music
as adjective
plain and easy to see SYN obvious, patent.
a manifest error of judgment
be made/become manifest (=be clearly shown)
Their devotion to God is made manifest in ritual prayer.
as verb
1 to show a feeling, attitude etc
The shareholders have manifested their intention to sell the shares.
manifest something in/as/through something
A dog’s protective instincts are manifested in increased alertness.
2 → manifest itself خودشو نشون میده
My life developed into a duplicity.
• I saw it most in our native duplicity.
• Creatures have no duplicity, like man.
بیخیال(هم مثبت هم منفی)
1 seeming not to care or worry about the effects of what you do
a blithe disregard for the facts
2 literary happy and having no worries
رقیق کردن
1 to make a liquid weaker by adding water or another liquid → water down
diluted fruit juice
dilute something with/in something
Dilute the paint with a little oil.
► see thesaurus at mix
2 to make a quality, belief etc weaker or less effective SYN water down
an attempt to dilute the proposals
contrary to intuition or to common-sense expectation (but often nevertheless true).
this explanation sounds perversely counterintuitive