4.3 - Realist Theories on Crime Flashcards
RR - Causes of Crime
> Biological Differences
Socialisation and the Underclass
Rational Choice Theory
Routine Activity Theory
RR - Solutions to Crime
> Broken Windows
Zero Tolerance
Target Hardening
Hernstein & Murray - Biological Differences (RR)
> Some are innately predetermined to do crime in their DNA
> Programmed to be very aggressive & dumb - + likely to do crime
Lilly - Criticisms Biological Differences
Intelligence differences account for only 3% of differences in offending
Underclass - Murray (RR)
> NF undermined by welfare state, leading to + of LPF underclass w/ inadequate socialisation
> Lack male role models & discipline, key values not taught
> Boys join gangs to get status through crime > supporting families
Rational Choice Theory - Clarke (RR)
> Have free will & choice to do crime, if positives of doing crime outweigh the costs, it makes it more likely
> Current costs of crime are low, so crime has increased
> Need for zero tolerance approach
General Criticisms of Clarke
> How can criminals be rational actors, but behaviour due to biology & socialisation
> Overexaggerates extent criminals make +/- calculations
Felson - Routine Activity Theory (RR)
> Crime caused by motivated offender, suitable target & absence of police & neighbour
> Deviants act rationally so suitable guardians likely to deter them
General Criticisms of RR
> Short-sighted ignores wider structural causes e.g. poverty
> Doesn’t explain violent or impulsive crimes
Wilson & Kelling - Zero Tolerance - Solutions to Crime (RR)
> Keep areas orderly so crime don’t take over, graffiti & vandalism needs immediate action
> Police control streets stop drunks & beggars, so law-abiding people feel safe
> Increase of fines & prison sentences as deterrent.
General Criticisms of Zero Tolerance
> Allow police to discriminate vs EM, youth & homeless
> Ignores corporate crime & leads to displacement of crime in other areas
Young - Zero Tolerance as Urban Myth (RR)
> Crime already decreasing from 1985
> Police use arrests to justify existence, artificially increase number of arrests for minor things
How is LR similar to Marxism?
Unequal society root of crime
How is LR different to Marxism?
> Gradual change is needed > violent overthrow of capitalism
> Marx concentrate on crime of upper class, but neglect WC crime & effects
LR criticisms of Neo-Marxists
Romanticise WC criminals as having political motive, but mostly do crime vs other WC
Real increase in crime (Aetiological Crisis) (LR)
> Crisis of explanation e.g. Labelling Theory sees increasing crime as a social construction which LR strongly disagree with. Increases are real and concerning
LR - 3 Causes of Crime
> Relative Deprivation
Define Relative Deprivation
How deprived someone feels in relation to others
Lea (Relative Deprivation) - Causes of Crime
> Feelings of deprivation in relation to others is enhanced by media/advertising
> Pressure for material possessions means an increase in people committing crime who cannot get these things legitimately
Young (Lethal Combination of RD & Individualism) - Causes of Crime
> Focus on self-gain at the expense of others
> Causes disintegration of families undermines values of support & selflessness
> Weakens informal controls, leads to anti-social behaviour & Crime
LR - Definition of Subculture
Groups collective solution to problem of relative deprivation
Young (Subcultures) - Causes of Crime
> Different subcultures have positive solutions to RD
> Criminal subcultures still focus on materialism & consumerism
> Gangs in US focused on American Dream & gaining designer items e.g. Gucci etc - can’t get it legitimately and leads to street crime.
Lea & Young (Marginalisation) - Causes of Crime
> Unlike groups e.g. workers, unemployed youths are marginalised
> No organisations to represent them & no goals, due to no political means. Cannot express their frustrations
> So do this by alternative means e.g. violence
Young - Late Modernity & Worsening of WC Crime
> Due to harsher welfare polices + unemployment & poverty
> Contrast to golden age of capitalism with low divorce & crime rates
> Now unstable family & community life, weakening informal controls
Cultural Inclusion and Economic Exclusion
WC are culturally included into the material goals of society through advertisements but are economically excluded through low paid jobs.
Lea & Young Policing and Control - LR Solution to Crime
> Police rely on information of people but losing support
> Use military policing swamping areas
alienates communities see police as victimising youth
> To win support, need to involve people in deciding police use multi-agency approach e.g. schools & social services
LR - Tackling Structural Causes & Reducing Inequality (Solution to Crime)
> Main solution is to tackle discrimination, inequality in opportunities, improve housing.
> Be more tolerant of diversity stop seeing certain groups as criminal
Similarities vs LR & Gov Policy
> New Labour focused on being tough on crime & it’s causes similar to LR
> e.g. firmer policing approach on Domestic Violence, Anti-Social B & new deal offered to unemployed youth
Young - Criticisms of New Labour
> Policies are nostalgic attempts to recreate conditions of GA in 50’s
> Criticises record of gov’s only focused on addressing symptoms e.g ASB
> Only been tough on crime & not on causes
Henry & Milanovich - Criticisms of LR
Accepts gov’s definition of crime as street crime by poor and ignore corporate crime
Interactionists - Criticisms of LR
Focused only on Official Stats, doesn’t look at offender’s motives
General Criticisms of LR
> Not all experiencing RD do crime
> Focus on high crime inner city areas makes it appear greater issue