4103FSBMOL - Lecture 11 - Revision Session. Flashcards
Practice Questions for the Test in January.
Practice MC Question:
A forensic chemist has undertaken the Ehrlich’s test and obtained a blue/Purple carbocation. What drug is present?
- THC.
- LSD.
- Heroin.
- Amphetamine.
- LSD.
Practice MC Question:
A forensic chemist has undertaken the marquis reagent test and obtained a yellow product. What does the result indicate?
- Heroin.
- Amphetamine.
- Magic Mushrooms.
- Ecstasy.
- Magic Mushrooms.
Practice MC Question:
Some cannabis has arrived in the laboratory. As a forensic chemist you have been asked to undertake the analysis. What colour test would you use?
- Simon Test.
- Ehrlich’s Test.
- Cobalt Thiocyanate.
- Duquenois-Levine.
- Duquenois-Levine.
Practice MC Question:
A forensic chemist has undertaken a microcrystalline test. The results are shown as poses/flower shaped crystals. What drug has the test revealed?
- Cocaine.
- Amphetamine.
- GHB.
- Mephadrone.
- Mephadrone.
Practice MC Question:
Cocaine has a log P value of 200. What does this mean in terms of polarity and phase affinity?
- Non polar and more soluble in the organic phase.
- Non polar and more soluble in the aqueous phase.
- Polar and more soluble in the organic phase.
- Polar and more soluble in the aqueous phase.
- Non polar and more soluble in the organic phase.
Practice MC Question:
What type of drug is Amphetamine?
- Amphoteric.
- Acidic.
- Basic.
- None of the above.
- Basic.
Practice MC Question:
You are using gas chromatography (GC) with a capillary column. Which GC injector causes degradation to thermally liable components?
- Split.
- Splitless.
- On-Column.
- Flash Vapourisation.
- Flash Vapourisation.
Practice MC Question:
Police have found some tablets, which they believe to be steroids. The police need to be absolutely certain that the drug haul are steroids. The sample has been sent to the lab for analysis by HPLC, which detector would you use?
- UV.
- Mass Spectrometry.
- Fluorescence.
- Refractive Index.
- Mass Spectrometry.
Practice MC Question:
Which crystal structures of titanium dioxide are used in paint?
- Rutile, Brooktite and Anatase.
- Rutile and Brooktite.
- Rutile and Anatase.
- Brooktite and Anatase.
- Rutile and Anatase.
Practice MC Question:
In UV-visible spectroscopy, which electron transition are associated with double and triple bonds?
- π to π*.
- σ to σ*.
- n to σ*.
- n to π*.
- π to π*.
Practice MC Question:
In the Munsell colour system which variable can be described as the actual colour?
- Hue.
- Value.
- Chroma.
- Saturation.
- Hue.
Practice MC Question:
Ball point pen inks are composed of a number of dyes. Which is the most common dye found in ink formulations?
- Victoria Green.
- Methyl Violet.
- Victoria Blue.
- Rhodamine Red.
- Methyl Violet.
Practice MC Question:
The Beer Lambert Law governs UV-visible spectroscopy. What does c stand for in the equation?
- Absorbance.
- Concentration.
- Path Length.
- Molar Extinction Co-efficient.
- Concentration.
Practice MC Question:
From the list below what explosive is not a secondary explosive?
- C4.
- RDX.
- HMX.
- Lead Styphnate.
- Lead Styphnate.
Practice MC Question:
What type of ignition material is used to accelerate a projectile to high speed?
- Propellents.
- Primary Explosive.
- Secondary Explosive.
- High Explosive.
- Propellents.
Practice MC Question:
What type of dye is solvent black and how is it used in forensic science?
- Azo and solvent dye - used to detect sebaceous fingerprints.
- Basic dye - used to detect latent fingerprints on the adhesive side of adhesive tape.
- Acid dye - Bloody fingerprints.
- Carbonyl dye - dyes fibers.
- Azo and solvent dye - used to detect sebaceous fingerprints.
Practice MC Question:
What is the correct IUPAC name for the molecule? - main chain length of 5 with 2 methyl groups, 1 on the 2nd carbon from the left and 1 on the 3rd carbon from the left.
- 2,3-dimethylpentene.
- 2,3-methylpentane.
- 1,4-dimethylpentane.
- 2,3-dimethylpentane.
- 2,3-dimethylpentane.
Practice MC Question:
Name the molecule. H3C-COO-CH3.
- Methanal.
- Propanone.
- Methyl ethanoate.
- Methanoic Acid.
- Methyl ethanoate.
Practice MC Question:
You are a forensic chemist and have been asked to analyse inorganic gunshot residue. What technique would you use?
- GC-MS.
Practice MC Question:
In GC what does the term temperature programming mean?
- The temperature of the oven remains constant throughout the analysis.
- The temperature of the oven randomly changes during the course of the analysis.
- The temperature of the oven follows a number temperature changes set by the scientist.
- None of the above.
- The temperature of the oven follows a number temperature changes set my the scientist.
Practice MC Question:
From the description below, identify the class of explosive. This type of explosive is “decomposed by a high pressure shockwave, which is moving sonically through the explosive material”.
- Molecular Explosive.
- Propellent.
- Low Explosive.
- High Explosive.
- High Explosive.
Practice MC Question:
What component of the AAS instrument converts the sample into smaller concentrated droplets?
- Nebuliser.
- Atomiser.
- Hollow Cathode Lamp.
- Monochromator.
- Nebuliser.
Practice MC Question:
In TLC, which locating reagent would you use to detect steroids?
- Ninhydrin.
- Concentrated Sulphuric Acid.
- Vanillin/ Sulphuric Acid.
- Anisaldehyde/ Antimony trichloride.
- Anisaldehyde/ Antimony trichloride.
Practice MC Question:
What type of electrons are associated with triple bonds?
- π.
- σ.
- n.
- All of the above.
- π.
Practice SA Question:
Marquis reagent is classed as a general reagent and is used extensively in the analysis of drugs. Answer the questions below about the Marquis reagent.
1. What is the chemical composition of Marquis Reagent.
2. State three examples of drugs detected by the Marquis reagent and the colours produced.
3. What is the main drawback with the Marquis Reagent.
1. 2% Formaldehyde in concentrated sulphuric acid.
2. Heroin - Purple, Magic Mushrooms - Yellow, Methamphetamine - Orange.
3. It can’t differentiate between Amphetamine and Methamphetamine.
Practice SA Question:
Chester bomb disposal unit have sent explosive debris to Eurofins for detection. The explosive debris is suspected to contain TNT. Gas chromatography has been chosen as the forensic detection method. Using the structure of TNT (contains 3 NO2 groups and 1 methyl group attached to a benzene ring), what three specific gas chromatography detectors could be used and why?
- Nitrogen-Phosphorus Detector- Detection of Nitrogen containing explosives increased by a factor of 50.
- Electron Capture Detector - Specific for electronegative atoms and will detect the nitrogen and oxygen atoms in the explosive.
- Mass Spectrometer - Will conclusively identify the unknown explosive.
Practice SA Question:
State the names of the shockwaves produced by a bullet.
- Mach Cone - Tip of the bullet.
- Cannelure - Middle of the bullet.
- Wake - Rear of the bullet.
Practice SA Question:
What are the three main components of inorganic gunshot residue and its preferred method of detection?
- Components: Lead, Barium, Antimony.
- Detection: SEM-EDX.
Practice SA Question:
Using the degrees of freedom equations determine the number of IR Vibrations a molecule of carbon dioxide possesses and name these IR Vibrations.
- Equation = 3n-5 (n = number of atoms).
- Carbon Dioxide has 3 atoms - therefore 4 vibrations using 3n-5.
- Symmetric Stretch, Asymmetric Stretch and Vertical and Horizontal Bending.
Practice SA Question:
As a Forensic chemist you have been asked to undertake a colour test. Explain how to undertake a colour test including positive and negative controls.
(8-10 marks)
1. Small amount of unknown sample into wells of spot plate.
2. Add a few drops of the reagent(s).
3. Observe and note down the IMMEDIATE colour change.
* Negative Control: A small amount of reagent is put into a well of a spot plate with no drug in the well. If it remains the same colour, that’s the negative control. If it changes colour, then this indicates there is a contaminant within the well and you will need to start the test again.
* Positive Control: Standard reference material obtained from the safe. Add a small amount to a well and add a few drops of the reagent(s). Observe and note down the colour change and compare to your unknown to check if there is a match.
Practice SA Question:
What is meant by the term “Normal Phase” in HPLC?
A system where the stationary phase is polar and the mobile phase is non-polar. For example the stationary phase could be silica and the mobile phase could be a mixture of hexane and isopropanol.
Practice SA Question:
State the IUPAC Name of the molecule. HOCH2CH2CH2CH2OH.
Practice SA Question:
Identify the Functional groups. COOH, COO, C6H6, NH.
Carboxyllic Acid, Ester, Benzene Ring, Tertiary Amine.
Practice SA Question:
As a forensic chemist you have been asked to detect accelerants within a mixture using capillary GC. What injector would you use and why?
Split Injector - prevents overloading of the column.
Practice Scenario Question:
A street drug suspected to contain THC (structure contains C6H6 with an OH attached, CH3, C=C, C6H6 and C-O-C) has arrived at Eurofins from Merseyside Police.
They have asked a Forensic Chemist to undertake routine analysis to determine if the street drug does contain THC. Explain in detail how you would go about doing this in the forensic chemistry laboratory.
- Identify four of the functional groups on the THC structure above.
- State the presumptive tests you would undertake and the results that should be obtained.
- What additional/confirmatory techniques would you use?
- Methyl Group, Alkene, Phenol, Benzene Ring.
- Colour Tests: Duquenois-Levine - Purple Chromaphore in Chloroform. Fast Blue BB Salt Test - Red Azo Dye.
- Positive Identification would be by GC-MS.