40: Some Solutions to the Water Pollution Problem Flashcards
What is a technical solution to the problem of water pollution?
sewage (wastewater) treatment plants
What is the function of a sewage (wastewater) treatment plant?
sewage reaches a treatment plant and undergoes 2 sometimes 3 levels of purification
What happens during primary treatment?
removes solids from water
- water passes through metal grate that removes debris.
- primary sedimentation tank is where half of suspended organic solids settle to the bottom as sludge
What happens during secondary treatment?
aerobic bacteria are used to remove up to 90% of biodegradable, oxygen-demanding organic waste (biological treatment process)
- bacteria acts on all the organic matter, it decomposes the organic matter (complex to simple)
What happens during tertiary treatment?
removes plant nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus compounds) and pathogens (with chlorine)
Can we use sewage to detect COVID?
yes, people with COVID shed viral material in their feces
What can public health officials do with sewage?
can determine if infections are decreasing or increasing in a sewer shed by measuring COVID levels in untreated wastewater over time
What is an ecological wastewater treatment?
an environmentally-friendly approach to wastewater treatment created by Dr. John Todd that uses no chemicals, includes tertiary treatment, and has lower operational cost (cheap)
What is happening in Arcata, California?
there are huge marshes where plants do the job (clean all the water themselves)
What is the legal approach to the water pollution problem?
clean water act and safe drinking water act
What is the clean water act (1972)?
principal law governing pollution control and water quality of the Nation’s waterways, the object is to restore and maintain the chemical, physical, and biological integrity of the Nation’s waters
What does the clean water act prevent?
it made it unlawful to discharge any pollutant from a point source into navigable waters, unless a permit was obtained
What is the environmental protection agency’s (EPA) mission?
protect human health and environment
- founded in 1970
What does the EPA do?
develops and enforces regulations, gives grants, studies environmental issues, teaches people about the environment
- establishes standards and monitors, and punishes or puts fines for both the Clean Water Act and the Safe Drinking Water Act
What is the safe drinking water act?
protect the quality of drinking water in the U.S and focuses on all waters actually or potentially designed for drinking use whether from above ground or underground sources
What are legal challenges?
the two pieces of legislations are constantly being challenged
- some people may have marshes and want to fill them but they cannot do that, making it a challenge