4-3: Chem & Bio Defense Flashcards
What are the five components of CB defense?
1) Detect/ID/Monitor
2) Info management (exchange info sea to shore about incident, six standard CBRN messages)
3) Physical protection (IPE, CPS)
4) Hazard management (pre-hazard precaution, hazard control, decon)
5) Medical countermeasures (triage, decon, treatment)
What does Individual Protective Equipment (IPE) consist of?
mask, gloves, overgarment, footwear
observer’s report
passes evaluated data from collected CBRN 1 inputs
provides immediate warning of predicted contamination
passes monitoring results when either attack is not observed and first indication is from sensors or contamination measured by the survey team
passes info detailing areas of contamination
describes CBRN incident in detail (like from the White House)
designed to provide filtered air to designated zones, protecting internal spaces from external contamination
Collective Protection System (CPS)
On non-CPS ships, close ________ ________ fittings
Circle Williams
What is the purpose of the use of the CMWD system?
enables ship to wet and wash down all upper deck surfaces, thereby reducing residual contamination; less effective when activated AFTER a chemical agent has been deposited
What are the different methods of hazard management?
pre-hazard precaution, hazard control, decontamination
What are the three main components in the treatment process for a CBRN casualty?
Triage, Decontamination, Treatment
What is the Chemical, Biological, and Radiological Defense (CBR-D) Bill?
provides guidance on executing defensive measures prior to and during an attack and DCA is in charge of maintaining it
What kinds of enclosures does the CBR-D Bill include?
CMWD activation, location of Circle Williams fittings, Decontamination priority list, MOPP levels, procedures for issuing IPE, purge ship procedures, biological attack pre-planned response procedures
Where are the training requirements outlined?
Surface Force Training Manual
Who promulgates MOPP levels, and what are they based on?
CO or higher authority, based on threat, temperature, work rate, hydration requirements, and mission
-when enemy has CB employment capability, but not indication of use in the immediate future
-DCA ensures IPE is onboard and inventoried
-Size and assign IPE
-used in area of SUSPECTED CB threat
-medical issues Skin Decon Kits (SDKs)
-issue IPE to all personnel
-inspect operational equipment (M8/M9, RADIACs)
-CO sets readiness condition III and Yoke
-used in area of POSSIBLE CB threat
-mask in carrier attached to each member
-decon supplies pre-positioned
-CO sets modified Zebra
-activate and monitor CB detection/sampling equipment
-M8 is posted
-used when CB attack is PROBABLE
-CO sets GQ
-CO sets full Zebra
-non-essential personnel move inside skin of ship
-suit and boots are donned
-canteens filled with water
-decon stations are activated
CMWD activated intermittently
-used when CB attack is IMMINENT
-don mask and gloves
-CO sets GQ
-CO can set Circle Williams as required
-CMWD activated continuously
Who conducts a survey of the entire ship after an attack?
Monitoring team
When should M61 filter canisters be replaced?
when center of patch turns blue/black, after one blood agent attack
M61 cannisters are serviceable for __ hours after exposure to chemical agents other than a blood agent
What patterns are the JSLIST available in?
desert, woodland, digital camo
How many times can JSLIST be laundered?
6 during the 45 day wear period
Shelf life of JLIST
5 years
After removing JLIST from original packaging, the suit is good for ___ consecutive uncontaminated days
JLIST has a __ wear day limit; place suit into resealable bag after each use to maintain wear days
What is included in the CRB-D IPE kit bag?
JLIST coat, trousers, web belt, canteen, M61 filter canisters, gloves, boots, inner gloves
In what order is uncontaminated IPE doffed?
gloves, mask, boots, belt, coat, trousers
What IPE is donned when MOPP-3 is set?
suit and boots
What IPE is donned when MOPP-4 is set?
gloves and mask