3M Manual Flashcards
Who maintains the PMS Master File?
The 3MC
What is the LOEP?
List of Effective Pages. Contains a list of all applicable MIPs for the Work Center.
What is a MIP?
Maintenance Index Page. It contains all the MRCs for each system in a WC.
What are the 4 components of a MIP Control Number?
- Equipment group - 1-3 characters, followed by a dash
- Specific component, 1-4 characters followed by a slash
- Version of the component, 1-3 characters, followed by dash
- Date - 1-9 for Jan-Sep, A-C for Oct-Dec. Number is the last digit of the year
How is mandatory related maintenance annotated?
How is convenience related maintenance annotated?
No hashtag, just the MRC in parentheses
What is the SPIN?
Standard PMS Item Name. Identifies tools, parts, material, and test equipment required for PMS.
What is the SPMIG?
Standard Parts Material Identification Guide. Used to look up a SPIN to identify parts and tools needed.
What are Category I tools?
Test Equipment. Used for GPETE equipment.
What is a SCAT?
Sub-Category. Code used to identify GPETE.
What is the SPETERL?
Ship/Shore Portable Electrical/Electronic Test Equipment Requirements List. It establishes allowances for ships of how much and which GPETE they are authorized.
What is TMDE-I?
Test, Measurement, Diagnostic Equipment Index. Lists all of the SCAT Codes approved for use on the ship.
What are Category II parts?
Materials - administrative, office, and housekeeping supplies
What are Category III parts?
Parts. Gaskets, seals, filters, etc.
What are Category IV parts?
Tools. All common hand tools except for “special tools”.
What are Category V parts?
Miscellaneous. Special tools and items identified on an AEL.
How are classified MRC handled?
Locator card is in the PMS deck, telling where the classified MRC is located. The actual MRC is printed on Pink Cardstock.
What is IEM Status I?
Equipment will be inactive for more than 7 days and will remain onboard.