3b, inheritence Flashcards
define genome
the entire DNA of an organsim
define gene
section of a molecule of DNA that codes for a specific protein
what does the nucleus of the cell contain
chromosomes, where DNA and genes are located
describe the structure of a DNA molecule
- double stranded
- double helix
- sugar phosphate backbone
- two bacbones held together by nitrogenous bases
-4 bases with complimetary base pairings (ATCG)
- nitrogneous bases hld by hydrogen bonds
4 DNA bases + rule
inheritance and chromosomes link?
characteristics are passed down via chromosomes that offspring inherit from parents
where chromosomes unraveled = dna
what does DNA stand for
DeoxyriboNuceluic Acid
chromosome structure
each chromosome contains one double-dtranded DNA molecule.
it is supercoiled around prteins called histones.
what are alleles
different version of genes
what is DNA made up of?
what is the composition of nuceluotides?
- phosphate
- (deoxyribose) sugar
= backbone - nitrogenous base (ATGC)
hwo are nucleotides arranged?
- anti-parallel
- complimentary base pairings
- hydrogen bonds
4 scientists that dsicovered DNA
- James Watsons
- Francis Crick
- Rosalind Franklin
- Maurice Wilkins
what is the need for dna replication?
- order of bases = genetic code
- to pass this on, genetic code needs to be replicated
- occurs just before mitosis
what method for dna replication? and why
each new DNA molecule has a ‘parent’ (old) bacbone, and a new backbone from the free nucleotides.
steps for dna replication (5stepsintotal)
- unwind
- unzip
- free nucleotides
- join
- rewind
step 1 of dna replication?
DNA unwinds from double helix –> ladder
step 2 of dna replication?
enzyme DNA helicase breaks hydrogen bonds between bases, unzipping DNA into 2 strands
step 3 of dna replication?
free nucleotides
free-lying nucleodtides within the nucleus bind the the complimentary base of each strand.
each strand acts as the template
due to the complimentary base pair rule, the genetic code won’t change as each base attratcs the free nucleotide tot heir own pair.
step 4 of dna replication?
enzyme DNA polymerase catalyses the synthesis of new DNA strands, and joins the strands together, to form a new DNA molecule.
step 5 of dna replication?
replication finished
2 pairs of DNA produced b4 mitosis due to 2 daughter cell copies
protein synthesis and gene link?
each gene codes for a specific protein.
1 gene = 1 protein
2 steps of protein sythesis?
- transcription
- translation
protein sythesis- transcription?
- DNA stays in the nucleosu (doesnt move out).
- code first copied copied onto messanger RNA (mRNA)
- RNA polymerase binds to gene and brinsg complimentary base pairings.
- mRNA molecules small enough to pass through nucleus into cytoplasm for next stage.