give one similarity and one difference between a taxis and a tropism (2)
similarity: both a directional response to a stimulus
- tropism occurs in plants and taxis occurs in animals
- in taxis, the whole organism moves and tropism is a growth response
Use your knowledge of IAA to explain the growth curvature in the tip of the plant shoot (3)
- tip produces IAA
- IAA diffuses into shoot (down)
- more elongation of cells on (top) one side than other
suggest two advantages of simple reflexes (2)
- rapid
- protect against damage to body tissues
- do not have to be learnt
- help escape from predators
- enable homeostatic control
explain the importance of reflex actions (3)
- automatic/involuntary
- reduces damage to tissues / prevents injury (burning)
- role in homeostasis
- posture/balance
- finding food/mate
- escape from predator
name the process by which IAA moves from the growing regions of a plant shoot to other tissues (1)
when a young shoot is illuminated from one side, IAA stimulates growth on the shaded side.
explain why growth on the shaded side helps to maintain the leaves in a favourable environment (2)
- causes plant to bend/grow towards light/positive phototropism
- light is required for photosynthesis