3.5.1 - PHOTOSYNTHESIS Flashcards
describe what happens during photoionisation in the light-dependent reaction (2)
- chlorophyll absorbs light OR light excited electrons in chlorophyll
- electrons are lost OR chlorophyll becomes positively charged
suggest and explain the advantage of having different coloured pigments in leaves (1)
- absorb different/more wavelengths of light for photosynthesis
heat stress is a condition that often occurs in plants exposed to high temperatures for a prolonged period of time.
heat stress is a major factor in limiting the rate of photosynthesis.
heat stress decreases the light-dependent reaction of photosynthesis.
explain why this leads to a decrease in the light independent reaction (2)
- less ATP
- less reduced NADP
heat stress is a condition that often occurs in plants exposed to high temperatures for a prolonged period of time.
heat stress is a major factor in limiting the rate of photosynthesis.
heat stress leads to a decrease in the activity of rubisco. a decrease in the activity of an enzyme means that the rate of the reaction it catalyses becomes slower
explain why a decrease in the activity of rubisco would limit the rate of photosynthesis (2)
- less CO2 reacts with RuBP
- so less GP
where precisely is rubisco found in a cell? (1)
stroma of chloroplast
the solution that the student used to produce the chloroplast suspension had the same water potential as the chloroplasts.
explain why it was important that these water potentials were the same (2)
- so osmosis does not occur
- so chloroplast does not burst
the light absorbed by chlorophyll is used in the light-dependent reaction.
name the two products of the light-dependent reaction that are required for the light-independent reaction (2)
- reduced NADP
atrazine binds to proteins in the electron transfer chain in chloroplasts of weeds, reducing the transfer of electrons down the chain.
explain how this reduces the rate of photosynthesis in weeds (4)
- reduced transfer of protons across thylakoid membrane
- so less ATP produced
- so less NADP produced
- so light-independent reaction slows OR less reduction of GP to triose phosphate
atrazine binds to proteins in the electron transfer chain in chloroplasts of weeds, reducing the transfer of electrons down the chain.
when treated with atrazine, weeds have been shown to give off small amounts of heat.
suggest an explanation for this observation (1)
energy is released from excited electrons that were lost from chlorophyll
the stomata of this plant close when the light is turned off.
explain the advantage of this to the plant (2)
- because water is lost through the stomata
- closure prevents/reduces this water loss
- maintains water content of the cells
crops use light energy to produce photosynthetic products.
describe how crop plants use light energy during the light-dependent reaction (5)
- excites electrons/electrons removed from chlorophyll
- electrons move along electron transfer chain releasing energy
- energy is used to join ADP + Pi to form ATP
- photolysis of water produces protons, electrons and oxygen
- NADP is reduced by electrons
explain the relationship between stomatal opening and photosynthesis (2)
- stomata allow uptake of CO2
- CO2 used in photosynthesis
where precisely in a cell does the Calvin cycle take place? (1)
- stroma of chloroplasts
during the light-independent reaction of photosynthesis, carbon dioxide is converted into organic substances. describe how (6)
- rubisco combines CO2 with RuBP
- which produces 2 molecules of GP
- GP is reduced triose phosphate - using reduced NADP and using energy from ATP
- triose phosphate is converted to glucose (useful organic substance)
iron deficiency reduces electron transport.
use this information and your knowledge of photosynthesis to explain the decrease in production of triose phosphate in the iron-deficient plants (4)
- less ATP produced
- less reduced NADP produced
- ATP and reduced NADP are produced during the light-dependent reaction
- less reduction of GP to triose phosphate
iron deficiency reduces electron transport.
iron deficiency results in a decrease in the uptake of CO2. explain why (2)
- less triose phosphate converted to RuBP
- CO2 combines with RuBP
suggest why few species of plant can live below large trees in a forest (3)
- less light energy reaches ground
- smaller range of wavelengths passes through leaves
- little light for chlorophyll to absorb
- so insufficient photosynthesis for growth
- photosynthesis unlikely to exceed respiration
suggest and explain one reason why in the leaves at the top of trees in a forest, CO2 is often the limiting factor for photosynthesis (2)
- lots of light, so light is not limiting
- light dependent reaction is not limiting
- high use of CO2
- light independent reaction is limiting
name the substance which combines with carbon dioxide in a chloroplast (1)
RuBP (ribulose bisphosphate)
scientists measured the oxygen produced by the light-dependent reaction of photosynthesis.
name two other substances produced by the light-dependent reaction (2)
- reduced NADP
the investigation was carried out in bright light.
explain why reducing the light intensity would affect the amount of oxygen released by the seaweeds (3)
- light intensity is a limiting factor
- fewer electrons released from chlorophyll
- less photolysis therefore less O2 from water
plants produce ATP in their chloroplasts during photosynthesis. they also produce ATP during respiration.
explain why it is important for plants to produce ATP during respiration in addition to during photosynthesis (5)
- in the dark, no light energy, so no ATP production in photosynthesis
- some tissues unable to photosynthesise
- ATP cannot be stored
- plants use more ATP than what is produced by photosynthesis
- ATP used for active transport
during photosynthesis, oil-palm trees convert CO2 into organic substances.
describe how (6)
- rubisco combines CO2 with ribulose bisphosphate (RuBP)
- which produces 2 molecules of GP
- which are reduced to triose phosphate
- using reduced NADP and using energy from ATP
- triose phosphate converted to other organic substances, e.g. glucose
- in Calvin cycle (light independent reaction)
the concentration of CO2 in the air at different heights above ground changes over a period of 24 hours.
use your knowledge of photosynthesis to describe these changes and explain why they occur (5)
- high concentration of CO2 linked with night/darkness
- no photosynthesis in dark, light is required for the light dependent reaction
- in dark, plants respire
- in light, net uptake of CO2 is greater than rate of respiration
- decrease in CO2 concentration as height increases
- at ground level, less photosynthesising tissues
in the light independent reaction of photosynthesis, the carbon in CO2 becomes carbon in triose phosphate.
describe how (5)
- rubisco combines CO2 and RuBP
- to produce 2 molecules of GP
- which are reduced to triose phosphate
- using reduced NADP
- and energy from ATP
describe how light energy absorbed by chlorophyll molecules is used to synthesise ATP (5)
- excitation of chlorophyll electrons
- electrons emitted from chlorophyll molecule
- to electron transport chain
- loss of energy by electrons along the chain
- this energy is used to synthesise ATP from ADP + Pi
in the light dependent reaction, describe how light energy generates ATP (5)
- light energy excites electrons in chlorophyll
- electrons pass down electron transfer chain
- electrons reduce carriers
- energy released from electron as it passes through chain
- ATP is generated from ADP + Pi (phosphorylation of ATP)
describe the light independent reactions of photosynthesis and explain how they allow the continued synthesis of hexose sugars (6)
- RuBP combines with CO2
- to form GP
- using ATP
- and reduced NADP
- 2 molecules of TP form hexose
- all RuBP is regenerated
describe the role of electron transport chains in the light dependent reactions (6)
- ETC accepts excited electrons from chlorophyll
- electrons lose energy along chain
- ATP produced from ADP + Pi
- reduced NADP formed when electrons and H+ combine with NADP
- H+ from photolysis
the photolysis of water is an important part of the process of photosynthesis.
describe what happens in the photolysis of water (2)
- water forms H+ and e-
- O2 formed
- light excited electrons
ATP and reduced NADP are two products of the light dependent reactions.
describe one function of each of these substances in the light independent reaction (2)
ATP: provides energy for GP to be converted to triose phosphate
reduced NADP: reduces GP to triose phosphate
in which part of a chloroplast do light dependent reactions occur? (1)
grana / thylakoids / lamellae
describe the part played by chlorophyll in photosynthesis (3)
- absorbs light energy
- excites electrons / raises energy level of electrons
- ATP formed
describe how NADP is reduced in the light dependent reaction of photosynthesis (2)
- electrons
- from chlorophyll
explain why there is twice the amount of GP as RuBP when CO2 concentration is high (1)
RuBP combines with CO2 to produce 2x GP
in the experiment the cells were supplied with radioactively labelled 14CO2.
explain why (1)
used in photosynthesis, allows detection of products
explain how lack of light caused the amount of GP to rise (2)
- ATP and reduced NADP not formed (because no light dependent reaction)
- GP is not being used to form RuBP
explain why glucose concentration decreased after the light was switched off (1)
used in respiration
which process is the source of the ATP used in the conversion of GP to TP (1)
light dependent reaction
lowering temperature has little effect on the light dependent reaction, but it slows down the light independent reaction.
explain why the light independent reaction slows down at low temperatures (2)
- enzymes are involved
- slow rate of chemical reaction at low temperature
- fewer collisions