3.5.4 - NUTRIENT CYCLES Flashcards
freshwater marsh soils are normally waterlogged. this creates anaerobic conditions.
use your knowledge of the nitrogen cycle to suggest why these soils contain relatively high concentrations of ammonium compounds and low concentrations of nitrite ions and nitrate ions. (2)
- less nitrification OR less nitrifying bacteria OR nitrifying bacteria require aerobic conditions
- less oxidation of ammonium to nitrite to nitrate
suggest one way in which an increase in the uptake of phosphate could increase plant growth (1)
used to produce DNA/ATP/phospholipids in cells
arbuscular mycorrhiza fungi (AMF) are fungi which grow on, and into the roots of plants. AMF can increase the uptake of inorganic ions such as phosphate.
suggest one way in which AMF may benefit from their association with plants (1)
- amino acids
- carbohydrates
- vitamins
upwelling is a process where water moves from deeper parts of the sea to the surface. this water contains a lot of nutrients from the remains of dead organisms.
describe the role of microorganisms in producing nitrates from the remains of dead organisms (3)
- saprobiotic microorganisms/bacteria/saprobionts breakdown remains into ammonia/ammonium
- ammonium ions converted into nitrite then into nitrate
- by nitrifying bacteria/nitrification
upwelling is a process where water moves from deeper parts of the sea to the surface. this water contains a lot of nutrients from the remains of dead organisms.
upwelling often results in high primary production in coastal waters.
explain why some of the mostly productive fishing areas are found in coastal waters (2)
- nitrate/phosphate absorbed by algae/plants/producers
- more producers/food so more fish move to area/reproduce
nitrate from fertiliser applied to crops may enter ponds and lakes.
explain how nitrate may cause the death of fish in fresh water (5)
- growth of algae creates algal bloom which blocks light
- reduced photosynthesis so submerged plants die
- saprobiotic microorganisms/bacteria
- aerobically respire
- so less oxygen for fish to respire
nitrates and phosphates provide a source of nitrogen and phosphorus for cells.
give a biological molecule that contains: (2)
- nitrogen
- phosphorous
- amino acid/protein/enzyme/DNA/RNA/ATP/NAD
describe the role of microorganisms in producing nitrates from the remains of dead organisms (3)
- saprobiotic bacteria break down remains into ammonia
- ammonia converted into nitrite then into nitrate
- by nitrifying bacteria
describe the role of saprobionts in the nitrogen cycle (2)
- they decompose proteins/DNA/RNA/urea
- producing/releasing ammonia/ammonium ions
denitrification requires anaerobic conditions. ploughing aerates the soil. explain how ploughing would affect the fertility of the soil (2)
- fertility increased as) more nitrate formed / less nitrate removed/broken down
- less/no denitrification/denitrifying bacteria
one farming practice used to maintain high crop yields is crop rotation. this involves growing a different crop each year in the same field.
suggest two ways in which crop rotation may lead to high crop yields. (2)
- grow crops with nitrogen-fixing (bacteria);
- different crops use different minerals / salts / nutrients / ions
- different crops have different pests / pathogens / diseases.
leguminous crop plants have nitrogen-fixing bacteria in nodules on their roots. on soils with a low concentration of nitrate ions, leguminous crops often grow better than other types of crop.
explain why. (2)
- they convert nitrogen to ammonia
- produce protein/amino acids/DNA/RNA
applying very high concentrations of fertiliser to the soil can reduce plant growth.
use your knowledge of water potential to explain why. (2)
- soil has lower water potential
- osmosis from plant
after harvesting, the remains of crop plants are often ploughed into the soil.
explain how microorganisms in the soil produce a source of nitrates from these remains (5)
- protein/amino acids/DNA into ammonium compounds
- by saprobionts
- ammonium/ammonia into nitrite
- nitrite into nitrate
- by nitrifying bacteria
describe how the action of microorganisms in the soil produces a source of nitrates for crop plants (5)
- protein/amino acids/DNA into ammonium compounds
- by saprobionts
- ammonium/ammonia into nitrite
- nitrite into nitrate
- by nitrifying bacteria
- nitrogen to ammonia