3.4.1 - DNA, GENES & CHROMOSOMES Flashcards
name the fixed position occupied by a gene on a DNA molecule (1)
describe how a gene is a code for the production of a polypeptide. do not include information about transcription or translation (3)
- because bases
- are in triplets
- which determines the order of the amino acid sequence that makes up the primary structure of a polypeptide
describe how a phosphodiester bond is formed between two nucleotides within a DNA molecule (2)
- condensation reaction
- between phosphate group and deoxyribose
- catalysed by DNA polymerase
name the protein associated with DNA in a chromosome (1)
state three differences between DNA in the nucleus of a plant cell and DNA in a prokaryotic cell (3)
plant DNA: associated with histones, linear, no plasmids, introns, longer
prokaryotic DNA: no histones, circular, plasmids, no introns, shorter
define non-coding sequences and describe where the non-coding multiple repeats are positioned in the genome (2)
- DNA that does not code for sequences of amino acids
- found between genes
give three ways in which the DNA in the chloroplast is different from DNA in the nucleus (3)
DNA in chloroplasts: shorter, fewer genes, circular, no histones, no introns
some DNA nucleotides have the organic base thymine, but RNA nucleotides do not. RNA nucleotides have uracil instead of thymine.
give one other difference between the structure of a DNA nucleotide and a RNA nucleotide (1)
- deoxyribose sugar in DNA
- ribose sugar in RNA
not all mutations in the nucleotide sequence of a gene cause a change in the structure of a polypeptide.
give two reasons why (2)
- multiple triplets code for the same amino acid (code is degenerate)
- the mutation occurs in the introns
compare and contrast the DNA in eukaryotic cells with the DNA in prokaryotic cells (5)
1. nucleotide structure is identical
2. nucleotides joined by phosphodiester bond
3. DNA in mitochondria and chloroplasts is similar structure to prokaryotic DNA
4. eukaryotic DNA is: longer, contains introns, linear, associated with histones
the dark stain used on the chromosomes binds more to some areas of the chromosomes than others, giving the chromosome a stripped appearance.
suggest one way the structure of the chromosome could differ along its length to result in the stain binding more in some areas (1)
differences in base sequences
what is a homologous pair of chromosomes? (1)
two chromosomes that carry the same genes
same loci
what is a gene? (1)
a sequence of DNA bases that code for either a polypeptide or functional RNA
what is a proteome? (1)
the full set of proteins a cell can produce
other than being smaller, give two ways in which prokaryotic DNA is different from eukaryotic DNA (2)
- prokaryotic DNA is circular
- prokaryotic DNA is not associated with histones
- prokaryotic DNA does not contain any introns
describe how the production of mRNA in a eukaryotic cell is different from the production of mRNA in a prokaryotic cell (2)
- pre-mRNA only produced in eukaryote cell
- splicing only occur in eukaryote cell
- introns removed in eukaryote OR no introns in prokaryote
scientists produced a short, single-stranded, artificial nucleic acid called PNA. the PNA binds to a small section of DNA.
the scientists introduced PNA into cells and discovered that these cells produced less mRNA than the cells that did not contain it.
suggest how PNA affected the transcription of the section of DNA (2)
- PNA is complementary to DNA
- preventing RNA nucleotides binding OR reducing transcription
this question is about the genetic code.
define universal, non-overlapping and degenerate (3)
- universal = the same codon always codes for the same amino acid
- non-overlapping = each base is only part of one codon OR adjacent codons do not overlap
- degenerate = more than one codon codes for each amino acid
describe one difference between the structure of DNA in a prokaryotic cell and in a eukaryotic cell (1)
- in prokaryotes DNA circular not linear
- in prokaryotes DNA not associated with histones
- in prokaryotes DNA has no introns
name two biological molecules that can be coded for by a gene. do not include a polypeptide or protein in your answer (1)
- rRNA
- tRNA
- mRNA