36 Flashcards
Coincide [ˌkoʊɪnˈsaɪd]
v. to happen at the same time It wasn’t until after I booked my ticket that I realized the
concert coincided with my finals.
Contemplate [ˈkɑːntəmpleɪt]
v. to think deeply about She contemplated telling her teacher about the cheating
Decree [dɪˈkriː]
v. to declare formally and with authority The president decreed that Halloween would henceforth
be a national holiday.
Demur [dɪˈmɜːr]
v. to object to 反对; 提出异议 She demurred at my request to transfer to a different
Dilemma [dɪˈlemə]
n. a problem, usually requiring a choice between two
options 困境;进退两难
The main dilemma is whether to pay for a commercial or
Dire [ˈdaɪər]
adj. hopeless and dangerous or fearful When the police didn’t explain what was happening right
away, Jane knew that the situation must be dire.
Discord [ˈdɪskɔːrd]
n. disagreement Disputes over money caused intense discord in the family.
Dominion [dəˈmɪnjən]
n. power and authority 主权,统治权 The country claimed to have dominion over parts of
Envy [ˈenvi]
v/n. 嫉妒,羡慕 His envy of her is quite obvious.
Evoke [ɪˈvoʊk]
v. to draw forth or call up 唤起 Horror movies are great at evoking fear.
Fiscal [ˈfɪskl]
adj. 财政的;国库的 related to (government) money Fiscal policy is how the government uses money to
influence the economy.
Freewheeling [ˌfriːˈwiːlɪŋ]
adj. carefree 随心所欲的 His freewheeling attitude often got him in trouble at work.
Ignominious [ˌɪɡnəˈmɪniəs]
adj. publicly shameful or humiliating 可耻的 The politician’s expensive campaign ultimately ended in
ignominious defeat.
Imposition [ˌɪmpəˈzɪʃn]
n. an unnecessary burden 不合理的要求/负担 If it’s not too much of an imposition, could you proofread
my paper?
Onset [ˈɑːnset]
n. the beginning or early stages 开始,着手 At the onset of her career as a lawyer, things were looking
Opine [oʊˈpaɪn]
v. to openly express an opinion 发表意⻅ The new employee opined at the company meeting.