16 Flashcards
Hospitality /ˌhɑː.spɪˈtæl.ə.ti/̬
Noun. 名词 Hospitality Industry: 酒店业,
Hospitality is the relationship between a guest and
a host
Las Vegas has a well-developed hospitality
Settler /ˈset.lɚ/
Noun. 名词 移居者,定居者 a person who arrives, especially from another
country, in a new place in order to live there and
use the land
The first permanent settler in the valley was
Mr J.
Rail /reɪl/
Noun. 名词 铁轨; 铁路交通 one of the two metal bars attached to the ground
on which trains travel
A train left/went off the rails and crashed
into the bank, killing several passengers.
Entrepreneur /ˌɑːn.trə.prəˈnɝː/
Noun. 名词 企业家,创业者 someone who starts their own business, especially
when this involves seeing a new opportunity
He was one of the entrepreneurs of the
80s who made their money in property.
Be accustomed to
Phrases. 短语 习惯做某事 to be familiar with something and accept it as
I’m not accustomed to getting up so early.
Conventional /kənˈven.ʃən.əl/
Adjective. 形容词 传统的 Traditional I find his art dull and conventional.
Curfew /ˈkɝː.fjuː/
Noun. 名词 宵禁,戒严 a rule that everyone must stay at home between
particular times, usually at night, especially during a
war or a period of political trouble
He was shot for breaking (= not obeying)
the curfew.
Regulation /ˌreɡ.jəˈleɪ.ʃən/
Noun. 名词 规则,条例 an official rule or the act of controlling something The correct procedure is laid down in the
rules and regulations.
Abysmal /əˈbɪz.məl/
Adjective. 形容词 极坏的;糟透的 very bad The standard of the students’ work is
Lucrative /ˈluː.krə.tɪ̬v/
Adjective. 形容词 赚钱的,盈利的 (especially of a business, job, or activity) producing
a lot of money
The merger proved to be very lucrative for
both companies.
Fascinate /ˈfæs.ən.eɪt/
Vt. 及物动词 深深被吸引;被迷住 to interest someone a lot Science has always fascinated me.
Decipher /dɪˈsaɪ.fɚ/
Vt. 及物动词 辨认;破解,破译 to discover the meaning of something written badly
or in a difficult or hidden way
Can you decipher the writing on this
Rage /reɪdʒ/
Noun. 名词 (一阵)狂怒; (一阵)暴怒 (a period of) extreme or violent anger I was frightened because I had never seen
him in such a rage before.
Sanctuary /ˈsæŋk.tʃu.er.i/
Noun. 名词 避难所,保护所 protection or a safe place, especially for someone
or something being chased or hunted
If I want some peace and quiet, I take
sanctuary in my study.
Refuge /ˈref.juːdʒ/
Noun. 名词 避难所,保护所 (a place that gives) protection or shelter from
danger, trouble, unhappiness, etc.
The climbers slept in a mountain refuge.
Tale /teɪl/
Noun. 名词 故事,传说 a story, especially one that might be invented or
difficult to believe
He told some fascinating tales about his life
in India.
Constitute /ˈkɑːn.stə.tuːt/
Vt. 及物动词 形成;构成;组成 to form or make something The under-18s constitute nearly 25 percent
of the town’s population.
Content /kənˈtent/
Adjective. 形容词 满意的;满足的;知足的 pleased with your situation and not hoping for
change or improvement
They’re content to socialize with a very
small circle of people.
Controversial /ˌkɑːn.trəˈvɝː.ʃəl/
Adjective. 形容词 有争议的;引起争议的 causing disagreement or discussion The book was very controversial.
Enumerate /ɪˈnuː.mɚ.eɪt/
Vt. 及物动词 列举,枚举,数 to name things separately, one by one He enumerated the benefits of the
insurance scheme.