19 Flashcards
Tilt [tɪlt]
v. 倾斜,翘起;以言词或文字抨击; n. 倾斜; If you tilt an object or if it tilts, it moves into a
sloping position with one end or side higher than
the other.
She tilted the mirror and began to comb her
Deviation [ˌdiːviˈeɪʃn]
n. 偏差;误差;背离 Deviation means doing something that is different
from what people consider to be normal or
Deviation from the norm is not tolerated.
Oddity [ˈɑːdəti]
n. 奇异;古怪;怪癖 An oddity is someone or something that is very
Losing my hair made me feel an oddity.
Aesthetic [esˈθetɪk]
adj. 美的;美学的;审美的,具有审美趣味的 Aesthetic is used to talk about beauty or art, and
people’s appreciation of beautiful things.
Products chosen for their aesthetic appeal
as well as their durability and quality.
Committee [kəˈmɪti]
n. 委员会 A committee is a group of people who meet to
make decisions or plans for a larger group or
organization that they represent.
The school yearbook committee.
Adamant [ˈædəmənt]
adj. 固执的,坚决的,坚强的;坚定不移的;坚硬无比的;
n. 坚硬的东⻄;坚石
If someone is adamant about something, they are
determined not to change their mind about it.
The president is adamant that he will not
Monument [ˈmɑːnjumənt]
n. 纪念碑;历史遗迹;不朽的作品 A structure erected to commemorate persons or
This is the young man who’s become a
Alternative [ɔːlˈtɜːrnətɪv]
adj. 供选择的;选择性的;交替的; n. 二中择一;供替代的
If one thing is an alternative to another, the first can
be found, used, or done instead of the second.
New ways to treat arthritis may provide an
alternative to painkillers.
Virtue [ˈvɜːrtʃuː]
n. 美德;优点;贞操;功效 Virtue is thinking and doing what is right and
avoiding what is wrong.
Virtue is not confined to the Christian world.
Prescribe [prɪˈskraɪb]
vi. 规定;开药方; vt. 规定;开处方 If a doctor prescribes medicine or treatment for
you, he or she tells you what medicine or treatment
to have.
The physician examines the patient then
diagnoses the disease and prescribes
Undertake [ˌʌndərˈteɪk]
vt. 承担,保证;从事;同意;试图 When you undertake a task or job, you start doing
it and accept responsibility for it.
She undertook the task of monitoring the
Practitioner [prækˈtɪʃənər]
n. 开业者,从业者; 行医者 Doctors are sometimes referred to as practitioners
or medical practitioners.
Very few of them would see themselves as
a psychoanalytic practitioner or as a
Freudian psychologist.
Geriatric [ˌdʒeriˈætrɪk]
adj. 老人的;老年医学的; n. 老年病人;衰老老人 Geriatric is used to describe things relating to the
illnesses and medical care of old people.
He will complain about having to spend
time with such a boring bunch of geriatrics.
Withstand [wɪðˈstænd]
vt. 抵挡;禁得起;反抗; vi. 反抗 If something or someone withstands a force or
action, they survive it or do not give in to it.
Armoured vehicles designed to withstand
chemical attack.
Infuse [ɪnˈfjuːz]
vt. 灌输;使充满;浸渍; vi. (茶叶、草药等)被泡 To infuse a quality into someone or something, or
to infuse them with a quality, means to fill them with
Many of the girls seemed to be infused with
excitement on seeing the snow.
Paragon [ˈpærəɡɑːn]
n. 模范;完美之物;优秀之人; adj. 完美的 If you refer to someone as a paragon, you mean
that they are perfect or have a lot of a good
We don’t expect candidates to be paragons
of virtue.
Ego [ˈiːɡoʊ]
n. 自我;自负;自我意识 Someone’s ego is their sense of their own worth.
For example, if someone has a large ego, they think
they are very important and valuable.
He had a massive ego, never would he
admit he was wrong.
Archetypal [ˌɑːrkiˈtaɪpl]
adj. 典型的 Someone or something that is archetypal has all
the most important characteristics of a particular
kind of person or thing and is a perfect example of
The archetypal American middle-class family living in the suburbs.
Ostracism [ˈɑːstrəsɪzəm]
n. 排斥;放逐;⻉壳流放法 Ostracism is the state of being ostracized or the act
of ostracizing someone.
Those who have decided to risk social
ostracism and stay on the wrong side of
Squabble [ˈskwɑːbl]
v. (为琐事)发生口⻆,大声争吵; n. 争吵,口⻆ When people squabble, they quarrel about
something that is not really important.
Mother is devoted to Dad although they
squabble all the time.