31 Flashcards
Exuviation [ɪɡˌzʊvɪˈeɪʃn]
n. 脱壳;蜕皮 the process of molting Hibernation Glaciation Exuviation 冰封幻蜕
Specimen [ˈspesɪmən]
n. 样品,样本;标本 A specimen is a single plant or animal which is an
example of a particular species or type and is
examined by scientists.
200,000 specimens of fungus are kept at
the Komarov Botanical Institute.
Pattern [ˈpætərn]
n. 模式;图案 A pattern is the repeated or regular way in which
something happens or is done.
All three attacks followed the same pattern.
Quail [kweɪl]
n. 鹌鹑 A quail is a type of bird that lives on the ground and
is often shot and eaten.
quail eggs
Flap [flæp]
v/n. 拍打; 快速震动(翅膀) If a bird or insect flaps its wings or if its wings flap,
the wings move quickly up and down.
The bird flapped its wings furiously.
Hop [hɑːp]
v. 跳跃,跳过;突然快速去某处 When birds and some small animals hop, they
move along by jumping on both or all four feet.
A small brown fawn hopped across the trail
in front of them.
Rancher [ˈræntʃər]
n. 大农场经营者;大农场工人;牧场住宅 A rancher is someone who owns or manages a
large farm, especially one used for raising cattle,
horses, or sheep.
a cattle rancher.
Tidy [ˈtaɪdi]
adj. 整⻬的,整洁的 Something that is tidy is neat and is arranged in an
organized way.
books and magazines stacked tidily on
Incredulous [ɪnˈkredʒələs]
adj. 怀疑的;不轻信的 If someone is incredulous, they are unable to
believe something because it is very surprising or
“He made you do it?” Her voice was
Ledge [ledʒ]
n. 岩脊;壁架;窗台;暗礁;矿层 A ledge is a piece of rock on the side of a cliff or
mountain, which is in the shape of a narrow shelf.
like a wounded bird seeking refuge on a
mountain ledge.
Perch [pɜːrtʃ]
n. 栖息处 When a bird perches on something such as a
branch or a wall, it lands on it and stands there.
A blackbird flew down and perched on the
parapet outside his window.
Hay [heɪ]
n. 干草 Hay is grass which has been cut and dried so that
it can be used to feed animals.
bales of hay.
Bale [beɪl]
n. 包;捆 A bale is a large quantity of something such as hay,
cloth, or paper, tied together tightly.
bales of hay.
Dash Out [dæʃ aʊt]
v. 冲出,跑开;删去,勾掉 Dash off Catherine had risen, with an impulse to
dash out, when she saw him.
Locomotion [ˌloʊkəˈmoʊʃn]
n. 运动;移动;旅行 Locomotion is the ability to move and the act of
moving from one place to another.
Flight is the form of locomotion that puts
the greatest demands on muscles.
Ingenious [ɪnˈdʒiːniəs]
adj. 有独创性的;机灵的 Something that is ingenious is very clever and
involves new ideas, methods, or equipment.
a truly ingenious invention.
Partridge [ˈpɑːrtrɪdʒ]
n. [⻦] 鹧鸪 A partridge is a wild bird with brown feathers, a
round body, and a short tail.
a main course of partridge.
Ramp [ræmp]
n. 斜坡,坡道 A ramp is a sloping surface between two places
that are at different levels.
Lillian was coming down the ramp from the
Apt [æpt]
adj. 恰当的;有…倾向的;灵敏的 An apt remark, description, or choice is especially
The words of this report are as apt today as
in 1929.
Analogy [əˈnælədʒi]
n. 类比;类推;类似 If you make or draw an analogy between two
things, you show that they are similar in some way.
The analogy between music and fragrance
has stuck.
Fell [fel]
adj. 凶猛的;毁灭性的,致命的 (of persons or their actions) able or disposed to
inflict pain or suffering
in one fell swoop
Swoop [swuːp]
v/n. 俯冲;突然袭击 When a bird or aeroplane swoops, it suddenly
moves downwards through the air in a smooth
curving movement.
More than 20 helicopters began swooping
in low over the ocean.
Aerodynamic [ˌeroʊdaɪˈnæmɪk]
adj. 空气动力学的 If something such as a car has an aerodynamic
shape or design, it goes faster and uses less fuel
than other cars because the air passes over it more
The secret of the machine lies in the
aerodynamic shape of the one-piece,
carbon-fibre frame.