34 Flashcards
Advocate [ˈædvəkeɪt]
Verb. publicly recommend or support. Noun. a person
who publicly supports or recommends a particular
cause or policy.
They advocated an ethical foreign policy.
Scholar /ˈskälər/
Noun. A specialist in a particular branch of study,
especially the humanities; a distinguished academic.
He was a strong advocate of free market policies and a
multi-party system. 他是自由市场政策以及多党制的坚定倡
Mediator [ˈmiːdieɪtər]
Noun. a person who attempts to make people
involved in a conflict come to an agreement; a go-
He always takes the role of a mediator in any dispute. 他总
Fair /fer/
Adjective. 公平的 It didn’t seem fair to leave out her father.
Compromise /ˈkämprəˌmīz/
Verb/Noun. 妥协 Encourage your child to reach a compromise between
what he wants and what you want.
Scold /skōld/
Verb. 责骂 If he finds out, he’ll scold me.
Gossip /ˈɡäsəp/
Verb. 八卦 We spoke, debated, gossiped into the night.
Poverty [ˈpɑːvərti]
Noun. the state of being extremely poor. Thousands of families are living in abject poverty.
Disparity /dəˈsperədē/
Noun. A great difference Economic disparities between different regions of the
Domestic /dəˈmestik/
Adjective. 国内的,本地的 Over 100 domestic flights a day to 30 leading U.S.
Comprise [kəmˈpraɪz]
Consist of; Be made up of The country comprises twenty states.
Dignity [ˈdɪɡnəti]
Noun. 尊严 Her extraordinary dignity and composure.
Refugee [ˌrefjuˈdʒiː]
Noun. 难⺠,避难者 Many of the refugee villages are in isolated areas.
Vulnerable [ˈvʌlnərəbl]
Adjective. 易受攻击的, 脆弱的 Old people are particularly vulnerable members of our
Indefensible [ˌɪndɪˈfensəbl]
Adjective. 站不住脚的;不能防卫的 She described the new policy as “morally indefensible. 她
Exclusionary /ikˈsklooZH ͞ əˌnerē/
Adjective. 排他的 Exclusionary business practices.
Monopoly [məˈnɑːpəli]
Noun. 垄断 The company has a virtual monopoly in this area of trade.
Permutation [ˌpɜːrmjuˈteɪʃn]
Noun. 排列 Variation among humans is limited to the possible
permutations of our genes.
Complement [ˈkɑːmplɪment]
Verb. add to (something) in a way that enhances or
improves it; make perfect. Noun. a thing that
completes or brings to perfection.
A classic blazer complements a look that’s stylish or