35 Flashcards
Trial [ˈtraɪəl]
n. 试验;试用;法庭审讯 They have been treated with this drug in clinical trials.
Squelch [skweltʃ]
vt. 消除;镇压;压碎 The company increased its stake in the business,
squelching rumors of a takeover bid.
Interpret [ɪnˈtɜːrprət]
v. 解释 The fact that they had decided to come was interpreted
as a positive sign.
Devise [dɪˈvaɪz]
vt. 构思,想出 We devised a scheme to help him.
Debate [dɪˈbeɪt]
n/v. 辩论 An intense debate is going on within the Israeli
Liken [ˈlaɪkən]
vt. 把…比作 She likens marriage to slavery.
Contrary [‘kɑntrɛri]
adj. 相反的(一般以 is contrary to 词组形式出现) This view is contrary to the aims of critical social research
for a number of reasons.
Feeble [ˈfiːbl]
adj. weak 虚弱的,无力的 My legs are very feeble after the flu.
Wit [wɪt]
n. 智慧;才智 Boulding was known for his biting wit.
Meddle [ˈmedl]
v. 干涉, 干预 Already some people are asking whether scientists have
any right to meddle in such matters.
Yield /yēld/
v. to give way to or surrender to; v. to produce or
Cars turning right on red must yield to oncoming traffic.
Our experiment yielded many unique-looking vegetables.
Tentative /ˈten(t)ədiv/
adj. not yet finalized 暂定的 We haven’t made any official arrangements yet, but the
tentative location for our wedding is Hawaii.
Reproach /rəˈprōCH/
v. to criticize The mother reproached her daughter’s school for making
students come in during a blizzard.
Pragmatic /praɡˈmadik/
adj. practical, useful It is not necessarily more pragmatic to study engineering
than it is to study philosophy.
Null /nəl/
adj. legally void and ineffective The government declared their marriage null.
Feasibility /ˌfēzəˈbilədē/
n. 可行性 The feasibility of her project was doubtful; she’d have to
go all the way to Antarctica and back before the school
year ended.