Dental Terminology - Oral Diseases/Conditions Flashcards
the wearing of teeth due to abnormal contact with structures other then teeth
acquired pellicle
the thin film composed mostly of protien that forms on the surface of teeth. It forms with or without bacteria and can be removed by abrasive action.
the absence of teeth
anterior crossbite
an orthodontic condition in which canine, premolar and molar occlusion is normal but one of moe mandibular incisors are anterior to the maxillary incisors
the wearing awy of teeth by tooth against tooth contact during mastication
the seperation of the tooth from its alveolus
th lower jaw is markedly lower then the upper jaw
hard mineralized plaque on the tooth surface
a demineralization and loss of tooth structure due to the action of microorganiss on carbohydrates`
without teeth
embedded tooth
a tooth that has not emptied into the oral cavity and is not likely to erupt
loss of tooth structure by chemical means not involving bacteria
a flattened or worn spot on the surface of the tooth
freeway space
the space between the opposing mandibular and maxillary premolar cusps when the mouth is closed
fused teeth
the joining of two teeth in development where they have developed from different tooth buds.
gemini tooth
the partial division of a tooth bud attempting to form two teeth
gingival hyperplasia
a pathological increase in the amoun of normal gingival tissue in a normal arrangement
horizontal bone loss
loss of crestal alveolar bone along an arch secondary to periodontal disease
impacted tooth
an unerupted or partially erupted tooth that is prevented fro erupting further by any structure
level bite
occlusion where the upper and lower incisors meet incisal edge to incisal edge
the displacement or partial displacement of a tooth from its alveolus
pain in a tooth
reduced number of teeth
open bite
the failure of the upper and lower incisors to contact each other when the mouth is closed
oronasal fistula
an abnormal opening when the oral and nasal cavity
layman’s term for the upper jaw overlapping the lower jaw
periapical abscess/apical abscess
an abscess at the apex of the root, involving the pulp and surrounding apical tissues
periodontal abscess
an abscess involving the periodontium
periodontal pocket
pathologic increase in the depth of the gingival sulcus with loss of epithelial and periodontal ligament attachments
a thin film covering the teeth composed of bacteria, saliva, food particles and sloughed epithelial cells
posterior cross bite
an abnormal occlusion where one or more mandibular premolars or molars occlude buccal to their occlusal partner
inflammation of the pulp
a discharge of pus from the peridontium
the loss of substance by a physiologic or pathologic process
reverse scissor bite
occlusion where all the lower incisors occlude anterior to the upper incisors
root fenestration
a window like opening of bone and gingivia over the root
inflammation of the soft tissues of the mouth
supernumeary teeth
teeth in excess of their normal number
vertical bone loss
bone loss at an acute angle to the oot surface, forming an infrabony pocket
wry bite
a maloccclusion in which the midline of the lower jaw does not oppose the midline of the upper jaw