3.27 IJOI and IJPRD Flashcards
What are the considerations of root coverage techniques of the anterior mandible?
Sabri et al IJPRD
Systematic review
21 included studies (16 case series/ retrospective, 5 comparative studies)
Examined # of affected teeth, recession size, KT width, vestibular depth, frenum, papilla base size, tissue flexibility
* Only the FGG is associated with esthetic concerns
* A complete reduction of hypersensitivity requires complete root coverage.
* The Laterally Positioned Flap is best for narrow, deep recessions.
* Tunneling and CAF are best for wide recessions
Describe the study on “The Root Complex in Posterior Teeth : A Direct Digital Analysis”
Karim Ghishan et al IJPRD
Study design: Digital Morphometric study of extracted posterior teeth at U Iowa Perio
Linear assessments:
* Root length
* Root trunk length
* Furcation entrance and depth
* Root concavity depth and width
* Root surface area (in mm2)
* Root length ranged from 13 to 14.6 mm
* Root trunk length = averaged 3mm in maxillary molars, 2mm in mandibular molars
* Root concavity: Most common in Maxillary 1st premolars, averaging 0.5 mm deep and 2.6 mm wide
* Root surface area: Greatest in maxillary 1st molars (475 mm2)
What is the management of the lingual flap during vertical GBR of the anterior atrophic mandible?
Urban et al IJPRD
Describes anatomy of the anterior mandible area
- Lingual artery: from the external carotid artery
- The sublingual artery occasionally has terminal branches reaching to the coronal aspects of the anterior mandibular ridge. These must be ligated if the surgeon encounters them during the surgery
- Take care with the periosteal releasing incision in this area
What is the longitudinal assessment of peri-implant diseases in patients with vs. without a history of periodontitis? - 20 year followup
Roccuzzo et al IJOI
88 patients with 172 implants.
20 year followup
Comparison: History of periodontitis vs. no history periodontitis
33% of patients had peri-implantitis at the 20 year followup.
There was a SSD between healthy vs. periodontally compromised patients.
The Full Mouth Plaque Score and Compliance were strongly associated with peri-implantitis occurence by the 20-year followup.
* Compliant, hx of periodontitis: OR: 5.5
* Non-compliant, no hx periodontitis: OR: 7.3
* Non-compliant, hx of periodontitis: OR: 12.8
Critiques: Smoking was only assessed at the baseline- not at the 20 year followup.
Nonstandardized radiographs
Describe the study on 3D vertical soft tissue augmentation of aesthetically compromised permanent submerged dental implants
Alrmali et al IJOI
The study describes the technique of submerging Class IV subclass B (or C) implants and adding a CTG over them to restore tissue height. A bridge can then be built over that implant and it can be kept submerged.