3/13 JOP and JCP Flashcards
Describe the survey study on Periodontists and stem cell-based therapy for alveolar bone regeneration.
Kaigler et al. JOP
481 survey responses
Survey questions:
* have you heard of stem-cell grafting before?
* How have you heard about this?
* How interested are you to learn about stem-cell grafting in online CE, in-person CE, manual, other ways
Most periodontists weren’t familiar with stem cell grafting. However, most were motivated to learn about it after hearing of it
How does ChatGPT do on the periodontics In-Service exam?
Danesh et al. JOP
Tested ChatGPT 3.5 and ChatGPT 4 on the 2023 In-Service Exam.
ChatGPT4 was more accurate than ChatGPT3.5 in periodontal etiology, diagnosis, treatment planning, and prognosis.
What are risk indicators for gingival recession in the esthetic zone?
Mascardo et al. JOP
37 patients
Cross-sectional study.
Examined clinical measurements, CBCT, intraoral scans and ultrasound.
Prevalence of Gingival Recession was 78% on a patient level, and 44% on a tooth level.
* 31% was RT1
* 38% was RT2
* 31% was RT3
Each additional 1 mm of KT reduced the risk of mid-facial recession by 38%.
Each additional 1mm of GT reduced the risk of recession by 82%.
How are periodontal pockets predictors for site-worsening after nonsurgical therapy? - retrospective cohort study
Herz et al JCP
Long-term retrospective cohort study
116 patients
* over 75% of PD’s remained the same or worsened during nonsurgical therapy.
* PD’s increased in 37% of sites; remained the same in 41%; and decreased in 21% of sites.
* Worsening PD was significantly associated with distopalatal furcation involvement (OR = 2.5) , tooth mobility, and presence of residual pockets.
Describe the 5 year results of single immediate implant placement into the maxilla with vs. without CTG grafting.
Zuiderveld et al JCP
RCT with 5 year followup
60 patients total
* Survival: 96.7% in both groups
* CTG group had +0.1mm marginal bone gain; control group (no CTG) had -0.6mm bone loss. = SSD
* NSSD in esthetic scores (measured by Pink Esthetic Score and White Esthetic Score).
Conclusion: Immediate implant placement with CTG appears to reduce recession and bone loss
Describe the study on flapless early implant placement into the uncalcified provisional matrix.
Park et al. JCP
Early placement: 4-8 weeks after extraction.
6 mongrel dogs
Extracted the mandibular 1st molars
Four groups:
* Flapless placement into provisional matrix
* Flapless placement after removal of provisional matrix
* Flap and place with GBR
* Control (spontaneous healing only; no implant)
Histology taken at 3 months post-placement.
* Complete bone fill in all groups.
* NSSD in bone-implant contact, marginal bone levels, connective tissue thickness.
Early implant placement into the provisonal matrix (in dogs) appears to be just as good as placement with GBR and placement after removal of the provisonal matrix.