1/24 CIDRR- Mazzocco Flashcards
How does masseter msucle cross-sectional area relate to late implant failure?
Takashima et al. IJOI
Retrospective case-control study.
Included all patients who received implants at Niigata University HOspital from 2009-2019.
Case Control:
* Control (n=82) : Patients with no implant failures.
* Case (n=25) : Patients with at least 1 late implant failure
The masseter muscle was measured on CBCT at the level of the lingula on the side of the implant failure.
* The masseter muscle increased implant failure by an OR = 1.60 for every 100m3 increase in the muscle volume.
* Smoking: OR = 2.61
* Implant length (1mm decrease): OR = 1.45
How does L-PRF affect socket preservation?- an RCT
Encalada Abad et al. IJOI
- Control group: Spontaneous socket healing
- Test group: L-PRF in socket
Evaluated CBCT and STL scans immediately after extraction, and 4 months later.
* NSSD in almost all areas
*SSD in horizontal changes at 3mm apical to the CEJ: -4.6 in L-PRF group, vs. -2.9 in spontaneous healing group
* SSD in volumetric changes (65 mm3 in spontaneous group, 77 mm3 in L-PRF group)
What is the significance of vertical platform discrepancies and splinting on marginal bone levels of adjacent implants?
Lin et al IJOI
Retrospective study.
Researchers aimed to see how splinting and vertical implant platform discrepancies (>0.5mm) affect marginal bone loss.
Included 2 or 3 adjacent implants with prostheses and 1+ year radiographs.
* Splinted restorations with vertical platform discrepancies had greater radiographic marginal bone loss (RMBL) than the splinted ones without discrepancies.
OR for bone loss = 2.55 compared to non-splinted restorations or a 3-unit bridge.
Conclusion: Splinting and vertical platform discrepancies increase periimplant bone loss.
Marginal bone loss around platform-switched conical connection implants placed 1 or 2 mm subcrestally. A multicenter crossover RCT
Stacchi et al IJOI
Multicenter crossover RCT
Early marginal bone loss occurs due to remodeling. Success is when the remodeling is < 0.5mm.
Researchers aimed to see how platform-switch placed 1 vs. 2mm subcrestally affects this remodeling.
51 patients needing 2 implants each.
Measured by standardized PA’s
NSSD at 1 year.
Compare the 1 year results of 2 vs. 4 implants for maxillary overdentures.
Onclin et al IJOI
Aims to compare MBL, survival, function, and Patient reported outcomes (PROM’s) over 1 year.
All were bar-attachment overdenture prostheses.
* Survival: 94% in the 4 implant group, 77% in the 2 implant group.
Too short follow-up time
Compare maxillary sinus elevation with coagulum, versus with bone graft.
Starch-Jensen et al IJOI
40 patients
* 20 with sinus elevation using Coagulum
* 20 with sinus elevation using bone graft
- The coagulum was blood aspirated from the surgical site and injected beneath the sinus membrane.
- Control group was bone graft using porcine xenograft.
* ISQ values: NSSD
* Survival: NSSD
* Peri-implant health: NSSD
* Peri-implant MBL: NSSD
Conclusion: No difference