3.20 COIR Flashcards
Describe hard and soft tissue changes when comparing the ridge preservation with vs. without primary closure in molar sites
Wei et al COIR
Periodontally hopeless molars were extracted.
Sites needed “at least 2 socket walls of ≥3 mm height, and at least 1 adjacent tooth
Control: Extraction + socket preservation with primary closure
Test: Extraction + socket preservation without primary closure
NSSD in hard tissue changes
NSSD in most soft tissue changes
* However, at 6 months, the primary closure group lost more KT than the secondary intention group
* Primary closure: Lost 1 mm KT
* Secondary closure: Lost 0.4 mm KT
What are the clinical outcomes of implant- versus abutment-level connection in screw-retained fixed dental prostheses? - 5-year RCT
Toia et al COIR
Compared the 5-year clinical results of “abutment level” versus “implant level” fixed prostheses
NOTE: Dr. Wang did not like the illustration or radiographs of the study, and says it was a ‘critical study design flaw’
NSSD in Marginal bone loss, BOP, Plaque
* Abutment level: 2.9mm ; Implant level = 3.5mm. (This is a 0.6mm difference)
SSD in KTW change
* Abutment level: 59%, Implant level 79%
Therefore: Abutment-level implants appeared to have better PD’s and less KT width change, compared to implant-level implants
What is the clinical accuracy of partially guided implant placement in edentulous patients? - CBCT study
Baixiang Wang et al. COIR
Used guides and determined the accuracy of the guides via CBCT analysis
RESULTS: Average deviations were about 2 degrees
Authors conclude that guided implant surgery has “acceptible accuracy”