- Development of elite performers in sport Flashcards
What are personal factors?
The influence of characteristics ingrained within a person
Examples of personal factors that aid development of elite performers?
→ goal orientated - short and long term goals
→ good communicator - offer opinions and listen to advice
→ clear focus - what they want to achieve and how they achieve it
→ avoid distractions e.g. sponsor demands
→ confidence
→ high pain tolerance
→ self efficacy
→ dedication and determination
→ highly skilled physically or natural talent
→ high level of fitness
What are social factors?
The influence of those involved in a person’s day to day life
Examples of social factors?
→ support of friends and family
→ a good socio-economic status
→ high levels of media coverage for the sport
→ quality of coaches
→ friendship groups
→ organisations e.g. UK sport
What are cultural factors?
The influence of variables ingrained in society and a country
Examples of cultural factors?
→ equal opportunities
→ anti discrimination
→ removal of barriers to participation
→ removal of sexism
→ structured levels of competition
→ sport equality
What are the 3 main organisations that are important for talent identification and elite performer progression?
→ UK sport
→ English Institiute Of Sport (EIS)
→ National Governing Bodies (NGBs)
What is UK sport?
The nation’s high performance sports agency investing in Olympic and Paralympic sport
Aims to work in partnership to lead sport in the UK to world class success
What is the role of UK sport?
- Work with partnership organisations to run Strategic support services e.g. world class coaches
- Aims to increase sporting exellence in UK
- Invests and distributes lottery money (e.g. NGB’s)
- Runs talent ID programmes with the EIS - providing host venues etc
- Personal lifestyle advice
- Promotes positive sporting conduct/ethics at elite level
- Manages UK’s International sporting relationships
- Funds athletes directly through the Athlete Personal Award (APA)
How does UK sport aid development of elite performers?
- co-ordinated approach with NGB’s
- provide centres of excellence
- world class performance pathway
- distributing national lottery funding/athlete personal rewards
- ensure equal opportunities
- ensure support structures in place e.g. nutritional advice, sports science, physiotherapy etc
What is NIS?
National institutes of sport
What is EIS?
A branch of NIS - English institute of sport
Owned by UK sport
Provides sport science and medical support services to elite athletes through a nationwide network of expertise and facilities
What does the EIS do?
- has a dedicated Performance Solutions team of scientists who work in partnership with UK Sport alongside coaches and NBG performance directors
- focuses on hundreds of Podium and Podium Potential athletes with the capability to positively impact future Olympic and Paralympic games
- provide sports technology and engineering - supports performers and practitioners
- research and innovation team - ensures Britain’s top atheltes have the best equipment and technology available to them when competing at a global stage
- operates a world class performance programme through nine high performance centres as well as numerous other training bases across England
- specialised staff in: sports science, medical, performance lifestyle support
What does the EIS provide to athletes?
- Sports science - exercise physiology → helps to evaluate training as it happens and allows athletes and coaches to see the impact of training on the body
- Medical - sports medicine → includes services such as physiotherapy and strength and conditioning coaches and sports massages
- Performance lifestyle support - available to athletes on World Class Performance Programme → provides a personalised support service, aims to minimise potential concerns, conflicts and distractions which could be detrimental with the media,sponsorship and career develpment
Regional multi sport hub sites - Hubs and high performance centres → provided by EIS for the elite, coaching and medical support can be provided more simply and at a lower cost
Role of the NIS?
- Develops talent at elite level of sport development pyramid
- Provides scientific support
- Works in multi-diciplinary teams to develop athletes/ support coaches and Performance Directors
- Run performance lifestyle programmes
- Olympic and Paralympic sports
- Works with other agencies e.g. NGB’s / UK sport
- Address issues of under-represented groups
- Top quality facilities
- Provide high level coaches
NIS revision tip?
S→ Sport science and sport medicine support
P→ Performance lifestyle programmes provide
O→ Organisations work in partnership (e.g. EIS)
R→ Research and innovation
T→ Top quality facilities and high level coaches are provided
What are NGB’s?
National governing bodies
-Can promote and increase participation in their sport, providing quality of opportunity for all
-Provide sport specific coaching awards from basic, low level qualifications through to the high levels neccesary to support and develop elite performers in their sport
NGB’s revision tip? (ways NGB’s try to provide equality of opportunity)
P→ Positive role models used to promote sport to target groups
A→ Accessible facilities provided and developed for groups with a particular need
M→ Meet government policies on sport and recreation(e.g. in their whole sport plans)
P→ Policies put in place to target under-represented groups
E→ Employment for sport specific Sport Development Officers (SDOs) to promote the sport to under represented groups
R→ Resources invested in inner city areas
What are NGB’s responsible for?
- establishing the rules
- organising national competitions
- coaching within each individual sport
- selecting individuals for funding
- picking teams for international competitions
- sports clubs → affiliate to NGBs and provide opputunites for young talent to gain competitive experience in leagues and national competitions
What are (NGB) whole sport plans?
→ A whole sport plan is lottery funded is Sport England approved - aims to increase participation
→ May include : talent programmes for england , identify a need for more locations of talent support, help people to progress to the world class level, enhance the domestic competition programmes, align competition with world class selection and junior competitions and training programmes
→ The plan includes from participation level to elite level athlete development
→ Must state how it will achieve Sport England’s ‘Start, stay and succeed’ objectives - this will allow NGB’s to be elligible for whole sport plan funding
What is the role of NGB’s in the development of elite performers?
→ enforce rules and regualtions
→ use of positive role models to promote sport
→ high quality coaching
→ tackling discrimination
→ manage representative teams
→ work with EIS and UK sport to provide elite perfromers with support services
→ provide stuctured levels of competition
→ organise training squads at different levels to develop talents
→ whole sport plans
→ invest money into deprived inner city areas
→ work with other agencies to (UK sport, NIS) to provide a coordinated approach
Characteristics of an effective Talent ID programme? (revision tip)
T→ Testing facilities are of a high standard and make use of appropriate tests
A→ Analysis of performance via a clear database
L→ Links between organisations involved in Talent ID allows for a co-ordinated approach
E→ Equal opportunities for all to apply and widespread testing across the country
N→ National development squad pathways for juniors through to seniors
T→ Talent spotting via high quality coaches
What is LTAD?
Long term athlete development
- a model used by majority of NGB’s in the UK
- aims to retain athletes for life as well as develop them
- hopes to match desire and talent of a performer to an appropriate training environment
- in turn this should lead to increased intention and increased success
- hopes to establish a clear development pathway for athletes → not olympic level but still people at top level
Reasons why organisations may use talent identification programmes?
→ Improved chance of winning medals
→ The development process can be accelerated as a result of the information gained
→ Performers can be directed to the sport most suited to them
→ Means all potential performers can be screened
→ Provide a co-ordinated approach between organisations
What do the EIS performance pathway team do?
→They work with UK sport to support the World Class Programme in identifying and developing talented athletes, through providing sports services
→They also:
- identify new athletes with clear sporting potential
- help athletes to progress onto the world class system
- enable athletes to successfully represent Great Britain in major international sporting events
Examples of athlete funding?
→Talented Athlete Scholarship Scheme (TASS)
- financial support for athletes over the age of 16 who are currently in education and competing at england talent level
→ Advanced Apprenticeship in Sporting Excellence (AASE)
- support young athletes - knowledge, skills and qualifications
- must be 16-19 years old
- must be competing at elite level and meet academic criteria
Advantages of lottery funding?
- allows more competitive opportunities
- allows more sports to be supported
- raises profile of sport within society
- NGB’s and performers are supposed to be accountable
- allows government to spend money elsewhere e.g. NHS
Disadvantages of lottery funding?
- certain sports are overlooked
- pressure on NGB/performers to be accountable
- can provide government with a way of getting out of funding sport
- organisations may become over reliant on funding
- lack of funding - may influence choice of sport for an elite athlete
Advantages of talent ID programmes?
- talented young athletes are directed towards sports that most suit their strengths
- equality of opportunity is ensured by allowing anyone who feels they meet the criteria for a programme to apply to be part of it
- talent spotting undertaken via high quality coaches and talent scouts
- high quality training facilities
- selection is based on natural talent and not socio-economic background
- access to high tech sports science and sports medicine therapies
- recruiting talented athletes through the scheme increases the chance of producing more medals on the world stage
Disadvantages of talent ID programmes?
- late developers may not be spotted
- athletes require high levels of funding
- no guarantees of success
- growth and maturation have a marked effect on an athlete’s ability
- talented individuals at a young age may not be the same ones that are talented in future years
- TID programmes are expensive and are very inefficient in terms of creating global successes
- they require large numbers to be tested to be of use
Features of the world class performance programme?
→ funded by the National Lottery through UK sport
→ works on the basis of 2 clear levels which make up the world class pathway for individuals on the WCPP - podium and podium potential
→ gives world class talent level funding and support to identify and confirm athletes who have the potential to progress to the world class pathway
→ main talent programme in UK
What is world class talent level?
Athletes who have the potential to progress to the World Class Pathway
What is world class podium potential?
Athletes whose performances suggest they have realistic medal winning capabilities at subsequent Olympic and Paralympic games (8 years away from podium)
What is the world class podium?
Athletes with realistic medal winning capabilities at the next Olympics/Paralympics (max 4 years away from podium)
What is UK sport’s talent ID programme process?
- begins with a talent search → interested athletes submit application form to UK sport for them to consider
- successful applicants invited to phase 1 testing → involves performing a range of different fitness and skill tests linked to the sport
- phase 1 results analysed and influence progression onto phases 2 and 3
- phase 2 and 3 → further assessment of an athletes suitability for a sport via medical screening, performance lifestyle workshops and psychological/behavioural assessments
- selected athletes → 6-12 month ‘confirmation phase’ where they are fully immersed into the sport’s training environment → rates of progression monitored to see if individual is suitable for the sport and potential funding on WCPP
What is the gold event series?
-An initiative produced by Uk sport and the Department for Culture Media + Sport
-Attempts to ensure the UK successfully bid to host and stage major sporting events
What events does the gold event series focus on bringing to the UK?
- world championships
- european championships
- premium world circuit events
Objectives of the gold event series?
- supporting high performance success
- creating high profile opportunities for people to engage in sport
- using and demonstrating the legacy of London 2012 and Glasgow 2014
- driving positive economic and social impacts for the UK