32 Spiritual Renewal in Western Christendom 1100-1300 Flashcards
What was voluntary poverty and itinerancy linked with?
moral and spiritual betterment
What were the 2 orders that received official sanction in the 13th century?
The Franciscans and Dominicans
What were some reasons for the increase in heresy in the West?
1) an expression of social differentiation that accompanied growth in urban life
2) the result of increased contacts with people from other parts of the world
3) result of the growing judicial and administrative bureaucracy of the hierarchy of the church; could detect deviations better
3) in resistance to the institutional bureaucracy
Which were the 2 cities that prospered due to trade and the crusades?
Genoa and Venice
Which king managed to drive the Muslims out of Spain?
King Fernando III
Who were the Jewish and Muslim thinker that made significant contributions to philosophy and science?
Moses Maimonides (Jewish) Ibn Rushd (Muslim)
What were the three reasons local Christian populations resented Jews?
1) their wealth
2) fear of their unfamiliar customs
2) continued to consider them guilty of the death of Jesus
Which order committed themselves to a stricter version of St. Benedict’s rule and were concerned with reviving aspects of spiritual devotion that had long been associated with the contemplative life?
The order of the Cistercians
What were some of the features of the Waldensians?
1) Elected their own bishops and priests after excommunication.
2) Both men and women were allowed to preach.
3) Only men were allowed to perform the sacraments of baptism and communion, and such sacraments were not valid if performed by unworthy ministers.
4) members dressed in simple clothes that resembled the monastics but did not require celibacy
5) strict pacifists and continued to embrace voluntary poverty
What were some features of the Cathar movement?
1) Dualism, two principles at work in the universe; in spiritual realm as Good, and in the material realm as Evil
2) Salvation achieved by freeing one’s spiritual being from material creation
3) two levels of believers: those who were the perfected (elite who maintained strict ascetic regime), and those who were only believers (looked to the perfected as spiritual teachers and priests).
4) only the perfected were baptised; baptism without water but with laying on hands, believed to pass on the Holy Spirit.
5) Rejected doctrine of Trinity because of association with material creation
What were the ways the church used to respond to perceived heresy?
Crusading, Inquisition, disputation and preaching.
Which order even though rejected to be recognised as a new order initially, were permitted to carry on with their activities under the Rule of Augustine?
The Dominicans.
Eventually recognised by the time of Dominic’s death. The office of the Inquisition was handed over to them.
What were some of the emphasis in the teachings of Francis of Assisi?
1) The richness of God’s gift of the incarnation. The humility of Jesus.
2) An elevated sense of the presence and power of the Holy Spirit; not confined in the institutional church but could be seen in and through all life.
Who was the Third Order Franciscan who preached extensively in Muslim lands?
Ramon Llull
What was Joachim of Fiore known for?
He was known as an apocalyptic interpreter of scriptures and his times.
Predicted the third age of the Holy Spirit.
What were the Beguines known for?
They were women who took the vow of chastity (that were not permanent) and lived together but were not part of any church orders.
They were committed to devotional reading of the Bible, but were also involved in education and service to the poor.