26 The Making of Christendom in the West Flashcards
Who organised a new system of food distribution, housed refugees, collected taxes and maintained legal records to help political order in northern Italy after years of warfare?
Gregory the Great, bishop of Rome
Who did Gregory send to head up the missionary delegation to England?
A monk named Augustine.
What was the name of the English king who was married to Bertha, a Christian Frankish princess?
What were some noteworthy features of the method of evangelisation in England noted by Irvin?
1) Evangelistic work almost always occurred under some form of royal sponsorship and protection
2) Directed not so much to individuals as it was to entire communities and districts; individual baptisms but decision to do so usually made in groups
3) Local shrines and temples were adapted to Christian worship. Distinguishing indigenous religious practices that could be appropriated legitimately for Christian worship from those that could not.
What was used as an alternative to the local deities in Gregory’s policy of gradual displacement?
Christian relics of saints
What had great influence on Irish Christianity?
Monasticism; monasteries were not just centers of learning but of economic and cultural life as well.
What were the points of conflict between the Irish and Anglo-Saxon Christians?
1) Differences in monastic disciplines
2) Authority of bishops as opposed to abbots and abbesses
3) Dating of Easter; Irish claimed to be following the tradition of St. John, whilst the Anglo-Saxons clamed theirs was common practice of Catholic churches everywhere
4) Anglo-Saxion churches far more closely connected institutionally to Rome and gave greater weight to the authority of the pope
What was the reason why Catholic teaching on marriage was so slow to be implemented among the Franks?
The local rulers had authority over church appointments.
What did Pippin the Short request from the pope?
Pippin sought the blessings of the pope to become the new Merovingian king, which the pope granted.
In return, Pippin defeated the Lombards and turned over several major cities in northern Italy to the pope.
What people group did Charlemagne use military force to convert to Christianity?
Why was the crowning of Charlemagne by Pope Leo II significant?
Nowhere previously in Roman church history had the bishop of Rome presumed to have the authority to elevate someone to the imperial throne
Who did Charlemagne want to marry after he was widowed?
Empress Irene of Constantinople
Which world ruler was receptive to Charlemagne’s ambassadors?
Caliph Harun al-Rashid (Baghdad)
What became the language of the liturgy and sacraments and of the administration of the church after encouragement by Charlemagne?
Who were the 2 theologians that were influential in the Frankish court?
Alcuin, an Anglo-Saxon from England
and Theodulf of Spain
What were some of the reforms to marriage that Charlemagne implemented?
1) End of polygyny, even among aristocracy; became monogamous
2) Marriage was made binding for life
3) Marriages only legally valid after blessing from member of clergy
4) Celibacy of priests
How did Charlemagne try to unify the various monastic communities within his territories?
Rule of Benedict was made mandatory
What theological controversy was Charlemagne involved in?
The filioque controversy
What was the long narrative poem that was patterned after Tatian’s Diatessaron?
The Saxon Gospel