3.1.3 Ventilation-Perfusion Match Flashcards
How can decreased compliance affect VA/Q?
If there are areas with different compliance (right side), the change in volume induced by a given increase in PTP will be lower in B (low compliance, stiff lungs) than in A, and VA will be lower in B
How does VA/Q change in altering levels of PCO2 and PO2?
As VA/Q increases from the ideal value, the composition approaches that of inspired air. You can see that PO2 increases and PCO2 decreases in roughly the same proportion.
Going on the other direction, as VA/Q decreases from the ideal, the composition approaches that of venous blood. In this case, large decreases in PO2 are accompanied by relatively small increases in PCO2. This means that pathological conditions associated with an increase of shunt units will result in larger decreases in PO2 and consequently in low arterial blood O2 content, while PCO2 will increase relatively less.
What can occur if a section of lung receives blood flow but no ventilation?
The drawing on the left side, shows an area of the lung that does not receive ventilation but receives blood flow. This could be due to obstruction of a bronchus, or to atelectasis as in ARDS or pneumonia. As a result, blood flowing through this area does not pick up any O2 and does not lose any CO2, and leaves the unventilated area with the same composition of the venous blood entering the lungs. When this stream of blood mixes with the blood leaving the well ventilated areas of the lungs, it tends to lower the PO2 (by a lot) and increase the PCO2 of the mixture. Blood flowing through unventilated areas has the same effect on blood oxygenation as a veno-arterial shunt that bypasses the lung.
What is VD?
The difference between Volume expired and volume alveolar.
What is the hallmark of shunting?
P(A-a)O2 is greater than 10
What is the effect of increased number of shunts on O2 exchange ie blood flow and no ventilation?
Shunt units behave as veno-arterial shunts, i.e. as a stream of venous blood that bypasses the ventilated area of the lung and does not change PO2 or PCO2. An extreme example is bronchial occlusion, where blood draining from the non-ventilated area does not undergo gas exchange and maintains the same composition of venous blood. When both blood streams mix in the left atrium, the result will be a lower PO2 and a higher PCO2 than those of the blood draining the well ventilated area. However, due to the difference in the shapes of the ODC and the CO2 dissociation curve, PO2 will be much more affected than PCO2.
Shunts have what effect on PaCO2? How is this compensated for?
Besides decreasing PaO2, shunts tend to increase PaCO2. However, the effect on PaCO2 is much smaller than the effect on PaO2.
What is the hallmark of dead space?
VD/VT = (PaCO2-PECO2)/PaCO2 > 0.35
What are the differences in VA/Q, PACO2, and PO2 in the top, bottom, and overall sections of the lung?
How will shunting of blood from alveoli B to A affect the PAO2?
The blood flowing through A has a high O2 saturation, so increasing PAO2 (i.e. hyperventilation or increasing inspired O2) does not increase the blood O2 content by much. The increased PAO2 does not affect the blood flowing through B, since the area has no ventilation; accordingly the increase in PO2 of the blood leaving the lungs is relatively small. The lack of significant effect of increasing PIO2 on PaO2 is a hallmark of these type of conditions.
Inadequate matching of ventilation and perfusion leads to?
Decrease in the efficiency of the lung as a gas exchanger
How will an increase in the VA/Q ratio effect PAO2 and Pc’O2?
O2 is delivered to the alveolo-capillary unit by the ventilation, and removed from the unit by the blood flow. An increase in the VA/Q ratio will raise PAO2 and Pc’O2; a decrease in VA/Q will have the opposite effect.
High VA/Q (hyperventilation) = high PAO2, low PACO2;
Blood flow and ventilation are highest in areas where V/Q is closest to what?
Under resting conditions, the normal lung as a whole has a VA/Q ratio close to 1: both alveolar ventilation and cardiac output are 5-6 L /min
This shows that most V and Q go to areas of the lung that have a VA/Q near 1, and that very little air or blood flow go to areas with VA/Q >> 5 or lower than 0.05.
What is the alveolar gas equation?
PAO2 = PIO2 - (PaCO2 * 1.2)
What is the effect of increased number of dead space units on gas exchange ie ventilation and no blood flow?
Ventilation perfusion units with a high VA/Q ratio behave as an extension of the anatomic dead space. An extreme example is occlusion of a pulmonary artery branch (pulmonary embolism). This could happen when a blood clot in the venous side of the circulation dislodges and is carried by the blood to the lungs. The air ventilating the affected area does not loose O2 or gain CO2 because there is no blood flow with which gases can be exchanged. Cardiac output will be redirected to the open vessels. Ventilation to the perfused areas of the lung will increase, and, depending on the extent of the occlusion, blood may be relatively well oxygenated. The air coming from the non-perfused zone contains no CO2, and, when mixed with the air coming from the perfused area, will “dilute” the CO2 in the mixed expired air. The value of arterial PCO2 will reflect the PCO2 of the alveoli that receive blood (and CO2); accordingly, PECO2 will decrease, the difference between PaCO2 and PECO2 will increase, and the calculated VD/VE will increase.