2.4.2 MRI and CT Imaging Flashcards
What are the lung anatomy KEYS TO VICTORY?
Right lung has two fissues and 3 lobes
The upper lobes are upper and more anterior
The lower lobe is lower and more posterior
The right middle lober is anterior and beneath the minor fissure
What is this?

Bovine arch
What is this an image of?

Coarctation of the aorta
What type of plane is this?


What does an MRI give poor visualization of?
The lungs
What is this an image of?

Mass - angiosarcoma in main PA
A pulmonary embolism would not extend past the PA
What are the arrows pointing to?

Left - LC
Right - Right common carotid
What is being separated by the lines in the image?

This image is more cranial - notice how the trachea has not split yet. The Left and right upper lobes lie on the anterior portion of the lines, while the lower lobes lie posterior
What are the lines separating in these images?

Left image - RUL, ML, and LRL
Right image - Upper and lower left lobes
What is the arrow pointing to?

Right subclavian
What is this an image of?

Large cavitary LUL squamous cell CA in a 63 y/o M smoker. The cavity is infected, proven by aspiration.
What are each of the arrows pointing to in this image?

Left side
Top - Aortic root
Bottom - LA
Right - LV
Identify what the arrow is pointing at and what is circled in this image

Arrow - left major fissure
Circled - right minor fissure
How does a CT image work?
CT uses beams of X-rays to measure density of tissues. Computer will construct densities into an image.
Air - Black
Bone - more white
What are the KEYS TO VICTORY on heart anatomy?
RV - Most anterior chamber - closest to sternum
LA - Most posterior -closest to spine
LV - Got them thick walls
RA - Accepts IVC and SVC
What type of plane is this?

Sagittal plane
What are the red arrows pointing to in these images?

Upper trachea - black demonstrates air
What is this an image of?

Right ventricular hypertrophy
What is the arrow pointing at?

Aortic arch
What are each of the arrows pointing at in this image?

Starting with top left moving counter-clockwise
What are the arrows pointing to in this image?

Left - Brachiocephalic
Right - Aortic branches
What is being pointed to by the arrows in this image?
Left main bronchi and right main bronchi
What are each of the arrows pointing to in this image?

Left side - Aortic root
Right side
Top - Pulmonary veins
Bottom - Descending thoracic aorta
What are each of the arrows pointing to in this image? What type of image is this?

Left side
Top - SVC
Bottom - RA
Right side - LV
What are the arrows point to?

Top - Brachiocephalic
Bottom - Branches of aortic arch
What are the four arrows pointing at?

Starting at the top left going counter-clockwise
What type of plane is this?

Axial plane on CT image
What is this an image of?

RLL Large Cell Lung Cancer.
What is this an image of?

Fibroelastoma on the pulmonic valve
What is this an image of?

Arch origin of Left vertebral artery
When would you want to get an MRI of the chest?
These are best used to answer specific clinical questions regarding the heart or major vasculature, or rarely to characterize a chest wall mass
What is the arrow pointing to in this image?

Mitral valve
How does an MRI machine work?
MRI uses a strong magnetic field and radiofrequencies to measure chemical properties of tissues
What are the major vessels KEYS TO VICTORY?
The aorta courses anterior to posterior and right to left
The main PA sits to the left of the aorta
The 3 arch vessels arise in alphabetical order - Brachiocephalic, left carotid, and left subclavian
What are each of the arrows pointing at?

Top - Aorta
Bottom - SVC
Right - Pulmonary artery