3 Structure Of The Nervous System Flashcards
With respect to the central nervous system, located near or toward the head.
An imaginary drawn through the center of the length of the central nervous system, from the bottom of the spinal cord to the front of the forebrain.
With respect to the central nervous system, located near or toward the tail.
“Toward the beak”; with respect to the central nervous system, in a direction along the neuraxis toward the front of the face.
“Toward the tail”; with respect to the central nervous system, any direction along the neuraxis away from the front of the face.
“Toward the back”; with respect to the central nervous system in a direction perpendicular to the neuraxis toward the top of the head or the back.
“Toward the belly”; with respect to the central nervous system, in a direction perpendicular to neuraxis toward the bottom of the skull or the front surface of the body.
For the side of the body, away from the middle.
Toward the middle of the body, away from the side.
Located on the same side of the body.
Located on the opposite side of the body.
Cross section
With respect to the central nervous system, a slice taken at right angles to the neuraxis.
Frontal section
A slice through the brain parallel to the forehead.
Horizontal section
A slice through the brain parallel to the ground.
Sagittal section
A slice through the brain parallel to the neuraxis and perpendicular to the ground.
Midsagittal plane
The plaintiff X is perpendicular to the ground; divides the brain into two symmetrical halves.
The three layers of tissue that incase the central nervous system: the dura mater, arachnoid membrane, and pia mater.
Dura mater
The outermost of the meninges; tough and flexible.
Arachnoid membrane
The middle layer of the meninges, located between the outer dura mater and inner pia mater.
Subarachnoid space
The fluid-filled space that cushions the brain; located between that arachnoid membrane and the pia mater.
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
A clear fluid, similar to blood plasma, that fills the ventricular system of the brain and the subarachnoid space surrounding the brain and spinal cord.
One of the hollow spaces within the brain, filled with cerebrospinal fluid
Lateral ventricle
One of the two ventricles located in the center of the telencephalon.
Third ventricle
The ventricle located in the center of the diencephalon.
Cerebral aqueduct
A narrow tube interconnecting the third and fourth pentacles of the brain, located in the center of the mesencephalon.
Fourth ventricle
The ventricle located between the cerebellum and the dorsal pons, in the center of the mesencephalon.
Choroid plexus
The highly vascular tissue that protrudes into the ventricles and produces cerebrospinal fluid.
Arachnoid granulation
Small projections of the arachnoid membrane through the dura mater into the superior sagittal sinus; CSF flows through them to be reabsorbed into the blood supply.
Superior sagittal sinus
A venous sinus located in the midline just dorsal to the corpus callosum, between the two cerebral hemispheres.
Obstructive hydrocephalus
A condition in which all were some of the brain’s ventricles are in large; caused by an obstruction that kids the normal flow CSF.
Neural tube
A hollow tube, closed at the rostral end, that forms from ectodermal tissue early embryonic development; serves as the origin of the central nervous system.
Cerebral cortex
The outermost layer of gray matter of the cerebral hemispheres.
Progenitor cells
Cells of the ventricular zone that divide and give rise to cells of the central nervous system.
Ventricular zone (VZ)
A layer of cells that line the inside of the narrow tube; contains progenitor cells that divide and give rise to cells of the central nervous system.
Subventricular zone (SVZ)
A layer of progenitor cells located just inside that the ventricular zone; thicker in mammals with large brains.
Symmetrical division
Division of a progenitor cell that gives rise to two identical progenitor cells; increases the size of the ventricular zone and hence the brain that develops from it.
Asymmetrical division
Division of a progenitor cell that gives rise to another progenitor cell and a neuron, which migrates away from the ventricular zone toward its final resting place in the brain.
Radial glia
Special glia with fibers that grow radially outward from the ventricular zone to the surface of the cortex; provide guidance for neurons migrating outward during brain development.
Death of a cell caused by a chemical signal that activates a genetic mechanism inside the cell.
Production of new neurons through the division of neural stem cells; occurs in the hippocampus and olfactory bulb and appears to play a role in learning.
The most rostral of the three major divisions of the brain; includes the telencephalon and diencephalon.
Cerebral hemisphere
One of the two major portions of the forebrain, covered by the cerebral cortex.
Subcortical region
The region located within the brain, beneath the cortical surface.
A groove in the surface of the cerebral hemisphere, smaller than the future.
A major groove in the surface of the brain, larger than a sulcus.
A convolution of the cortex of the cerebral hemispheres, separated by sulci or fissures.
Primary visual cortex
The region of the posterior occipital lobe whose primary input is from the visual system.
Calcarine fissure
A fissure located in the occipital lobe on the medial surface of the brain; most of the primary visual cortex is located along its upper and lower banks.
Primary auditory cortex
The region of the superior temporal lobe whose primary input is from the auditory system.