3. self Flashcards
The self or self-concept (Rogers)
an aspect of our experience of the world.
- represents an organized and consistent pattern of perceptions
- a personality structure
rogers two main theories
- self actualization theory and
actual self
ideal self
- actual, how to percieve ourselves
- ideal:
there has to be some sort of congruence between them
actual self
ideal self
- actual, how to percieve ourselves
- ideal: idealized version how u wish you were
there has to be some sort of congruence between them
what if you are not congruent with ur actual and ideal self
- u dont feel congruent
- act in defensive processes
- such as denial
- distortion : oh i cheated on the test cuz evryone cheated so uhhhh its ok
why do we feel the need to deny and distort when feeling incongruent? why not just be incongruent and be ok?
- we have ways to classify ourselves and if there is disorder between that, we lose a sense and perception of who we are and we dont be fucking with that.
self consistency
basic need that we need to self actualize ourselves.
need for positive regard
- essential for child development in the early stages
- conditions of worth: we define our worth based on how well our actions match up with what is expected of us
need for positive regard
conditions of worth
- essential for child development in the early stages
- conditions of worth: we define our worth based on how well our actions match up with what is expected of us
- sort of unconscious/intuitive process of realizing that theres some type of incongruence in our self concept that then leads to distortion and denial
phenomenological field approach
- space of perceptions that makes up our meaning we attach to things. so we only live in our subjective bubble of our own reality. and the self concept is a prominent figure in this field.
johnny example with mom and baby sis
- johnnys mom gets baby sister
- doesnt give him love at all anymore
- so he starts acting the way she wanted him to in order to fulfill the need for positive regard
- later in life he feels insecure
- this is because there is no congruence between the actual and ideal self
humanistic approach to therapy
gestalt therapy
- environment that is based on equal terms
- works on the positive traits that shoulda been given to the individual in their childhood
- person or client centered therapy
- theory is good in sowing that personality is active and not just something that happens to us which is what skinner and freud sorta do
- very optimistic theory
- rogers was only one who explored phenomenological field
- cons: too global and too vague to be properly considered.
- does not pay attention to inheritable characteristics
Social cognitive theory
bandura and Mischel
- we learn in a social conext
critiques of rogers
- theory is good in sowing that personality is active and not just something that happens to us which is what skinner and freud sorta do
- very optimistic theory
- rogers was only one who explored phenomenological field
- cons: too global and too vague to be properly considered.
- does not pay attention to inheritable characteristics