3-Oral Cavity Flashcards
The oral cavity is made up of :
Lips Gums Cheeks Hard palate Soft palate Tongue
What is the primary function of the oral cavity?
Entrance into the digestive tract
What are the 6 functions of the oral cavity?
Entrance to digestive tract Taste Breakdown food Speech Some digestion Inhibition of microbial growth
What inhibit the growth of microbial in the oral cavity?
Immunoglobulins and lactoperioxidase
What are the three areas of the lip?
The cutaneous portion of the lip has what type of epithelium?
Skin epithelium - Keratinized stratified squamous (will see hair follicles, sweat glands, sebaceous glands)
The red area of the lips have what type of epithelium?
Nonkeratinized stratified squamous that is translucent with tall vascular CT papillae
The red area of the lip has _____ glands
The oral area of the mouth has what type of epithelium?
Nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium with moderate CT papillae
The oral area is identical to the _______ histologically
What do we see in the oral area of the lips?
Skeletal muscle
Lots of Glands
The gums have what type of epithelium?
Keratinized stratified squamous with long vascular papillae
The lamina propria of the gums is made of what?
Course collagen fibers
There is no ________ or _________ associated with the gums
Submucosa or glands
What type of tissue is associated with the gums?
Dense irregular (lots of collagen fibers) for protection
What type of epithelium does the hard palate have?
Keratinized stratified with stratum granulosum and long vascular CT papillae
The submucosa of the hard palate has _________ anteriorly and _______ posteriorly with ________ above
Adipose tissue
Mucous glands
What is the function of the hard palate?
To seperate the oral and nasal cavities
What type of epithelium does the oral surface of the soft palate have?
Keratinized stratified squamous
The nasal surface of the soft palate has what type of epithelium?
Respiratory - pseudostratified columnar with cilia
The submucosa of the soft palate is ______________ with ______ glands
Loose CT
Many glands
_______ muscle is present in the soft palate
The soft palate is a continuation of the ___________
Hard palate
The soft palate, in contrast to the hard palate is __________
What is the function of saliva?
Cleans the mouth
Adds moisture to food
Has digestive properties
Saliva is made of:
Water (primarily) Mucoproteins Immunoglobulins Carbohydrates Inorganic elements
The salivary ducts from the secretory alveoli are:
Salivary duct bring the salivary secretion into the ________
Oral cavity
Intralobular ducts are __________
The intralobular intercalated ducts have what type of epithelium?
Simple squamous to low cuboidal
The intralobular striated ducts have what type of epithelium?
Simple columnar epithelium
The interlobular ducts are lined with what type of epithelium
Very high simple columnar
Lobar ducts and the main duct are lines with what type of epithelium
Stratified cuboidal
The main duct opens into the _______
Oral cavity
Serous secretory glands secrete
Serous alveoli have ______ shaped cells that sit on a basal lamina that surround a _______ lumen
The epithelial cells of the serous alveoli contrail _________ granules and a ________ nucleus
Centrally placed
What are the secretory units of the salivary glands?
Mucous alveoli
Serous alveoli
Serous demilunes
The cells of mucous alveoli surround a _______ lumen with a _________ nucleus
The epithelial cells of the mucous alveoli contain _______
Serous demilunes are made of :
Mucous alveoli and serous alveoli
Serous demilunes start as ____________
Mucous secreting unit
The serous cells of the serous demilunes open directly into the _______ or pass between __________
Mucous cells
Serous demilunes secrete:
Mucous and water
What are the 3 types of salivary glands?
The parotid gland is an entirely _________ gland
_______ glands have fat cells frequently in the CT of the gland
The submandibular gland is is ________ glands
Mixed - mostly serous
_________ gland has a CT capsule and the mucous alveoli have serous demilunes attached to them
The sublingual gland is a ______ gland
Mixed - mostly mucous
The duct system has ___________ nuclei
Round central
The mucous has _______ nuclei
Flattened - on the edge
What is the most moveable skeletal muscle?
There are 3 planes of muscle with CT between them in what
The majority of the tongue is made of __________
Skeletal muscle
The epithelium of the tongue is
Keratinized- stratified squamous with filiform papilla
The CT of the tongue runs from the lamina propria to the ______ and adheres the __________ ________ to the muscle
Mucous membrane
The glands associated with the tongue are:
Anterior 1/3: serous
Middle 1/3: both
Posterior 1/3: mucous
What are the 4 types of papilla?
Papilla are identified based on :
The most numerous papilla are _______
The surface cells of filiform are
Filiform papilla have _____ taste buds
_________ are scattered among the filiform papilla
Fungiform papilla
________ papilla are shaped like mushrooms with a narrow stalk and dilated upper portion
Fungiform papilla have _______ epithelium
Fungiform papilla are highly ________ and may have ___________
Taste buds
The largest and fewest papilla are:
Circumvallate papilla
There are 7-12 circumvallate along the _________ _________
Terminal sulcus
Circumvallate papilla contain :
Taste buds
Von Ebners glands
Circumvallate papilla secrete:
Serous and lipase
_______ glands are rudimentary in humans
Foliate papilla are found on the ________ _______ surface
Dorsal lateral
_______ papilla form 2 parallel ridges and furrows
Foliate papilla are _____ glands
Taste buds rest on the ____________
Basal lamina
Taste buds are covered with _________ except…
Epithelium except at the taste pore
What three types of cells are found in the taste bud?
Type I
Type II
basal cells
Type I cells in the taste buds are:
Dark staining support cells (protect Type II)
Type II cells in the taste buds are:
Light staining neuroepithelial cells
Basal cells in the taste buds are:
Parent cells for Type I and Type II
Taste buds use water to do what?
Dissociate ions
Sensory cells/chemoreceptors (type of taste buds)
Type II