3. Decision Making Flashcards
External and intenral components of subjective value
Commodity (type)
Quantity (number)
Delay (when get reward/temporal discounting)
Risk (prob of getting)
Cost (cost)
intenral = patience/risk attitude, motivation
Cortical regions for subjective value
Anterior Cingulate Cortex
Orbitofrontal Cortex
Ventral Tegmental Area/Substantia Nigra
How do neurons store representations of value
fMRI study in monkeys for activity w 3 components of value (reward,cost,risk)
OFC encodes single component of value
ACC encodes multiple components/integrates values
What area does temporal discounting
human fMRI study with OFC lesion subjects
task of choosing reward now/delay period
OFC lesion had much worse temporal discoutning curve
OFC shows sensitivity to subjective value, incorporates delay period
Neural representation of self-control
human fMRI of subjects on diet
vmPFC encodes taste preferences (aspect of value)
dlPFC corr’d with SELF CONTROL
Cortical Networks for decision making
Limbic - OFC and vmPFC encode value
Control - dlPFC for self control, and ACC for integrating decision variables
Dopamine signal RPE study
monkey electrodes recording from dopaminergic in VTA
Dopamine spikes to reward in unconditioned trials
Spike only to conditioned stimulus once paired
Dopaminergic VTA spikes to RPE, NOT REWARD
Spikes to unexpected rewards (at first, and not when expected, spikes to the light because don’t know when light will shine so when it does… yippee!)
If light but no juice, SUPPRESSED ACTIVITY (negative RPE= suppress, expectation violation)
Signaling expectancy to VTA dopaminergic
Optogenetics to inhibit GABAergic neurons in VTA that connect to DA VTA neurons
Rats smell odor with 90% or 10% chance to reward
When inhibit GABA, the DA neurons spike to the reward for 90% signal, but don’t normally!
GABA informing DA of expectancy (when inhibit GABA, DA DOESN’T KNOW EXPECTANCY, so will spike to all rewards because all are unexpected)