3 Flashcards
- someone who is rational, logical, and wise
Intellectual Revolution
- society’s information that we
access - paradigm shift occurred
wrote The Structure of Scientific Revolutions,
- nature of major scientific revolution
- Paradigm shift
Normal Science
- research firmly based upon one or more past scientific achievements
(Thomas Kuhn) - explanation of natural phenomena.
Revolutionary Science
- new explanation of natural phenomena
- Paradigm
o Comprehensive model of understanding
Paradigm Shift
Important change that happens, replaced by a new and different way
Scientific Revolution
-“non-cumulative, older paradigm is replaced by incompatible new one”
thomas kuhn
- Three characteristics of scientific revolution
o incompatible
o legitimate
o Transformation
- Almagest – Hē mathēmatikē syntaxis or “The Mathematical Collection”
• Claudius Ptolemy (127 A.D. – 143 A.D.)
Geocentric Theory
- Earth in the center of the universe;
the Sun, the Moon, the stars, and the planets revolve around Earth.
• Nicolaus Copernicus (1473 – 1543)
Heliocentric theory
- Sun was stationary, and Earth revolved around it.
o Motion of bodies: uniform and circular.
o Sun is near the center.
The following revolves around the Sun:
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter,
and Saturn; Stars are fixed in space.
o Earth has 3 motions:
daily rotation,
annual revolution,
annual tilting of its axis.
Aristarchus of Samos: pioneer of the Heliocentric theory, originally proposed the heliocentric theory
• Sir Isaac Newton (1643 – 1727)
“Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy”
Normal Science
o Before sciences thrived, there was religion.
Revolutionary Science
- devoid of spiritual influence
- Law of Universal Gravitation
governs paths of heavenly bodies
Three Laws of Motion IAI
1. Law of Inertia
2. Law of Acceleration
3. Law of Interaction
Infinitesimal Calculus
developed along with Gottfried Leibniz
Theory of color
o refracted using glass prism 🌈
• Albert Einstein (1879 – 1955)
- Annus mirabilis (miracle year) papers
➢ General and Special Theory of Relativity
o space and time fixed
o General theory
interweaves gravity
o Specific relativity
space and time are related.
o General relativity
forces of nature
➢ Photoelectric Effect
o radiation hits an object
o release of electrons.
➢ Brownian Motion
o describe by Robert Brown.
o temperature is directly proportional
➢ Mass-Energy Equivalence
o E=mc2
o relationship of mass and energy
transmutation of base metals
• Robert Boyle (1667 – 1691)
- father of chemistry
- Boyle’s Law
o P1V1 = P2V2
o inversely proportional
o J-shaped tube
• Antoine-Laurent Lavosier (1743 – 1794)
- “Father of Modern Chemistry”
Phlogiston Theory
o fire-like element,
o Joseph Priestley and revolutionized by Lavosier’s idea
- oxygen is required for a combustion
- Traite elementaire de chimise or Elementary Treatise n Chemistry is Lavosier’s most outstanding work.
Book of Genesis – The Creation.
• Charles Darwin (1809 – 1882)
- species came from common ancestor.
-. Looked different because they evolved throughout the time.
- same species on different environments.
- Published the On the Origins of Species (1859)
o Darwin’s 3 observations about the nature:
1. Unity of life
2. Diversity of life
3. Niche between organism and environment
- Natural selection
o “survival of the fittest”
o “fittest” organisms— suited, pass traits to the next generation. - Evolutionary Biology
o discipline of biology - Theory of Evolution
o preexisting theory - Jean-Baptiste
Lamarck’s Theory of Inheritance of Acquired Characters
o inherited by the offspring.
The Freudian Revolution
• Sigmund Freud (1856 – 1939)
- “Father of Psychoanalysis”
- man essentially not in full control
- Psychoanalytic theory
interaction of the conscious and the unconscious mind.
cannot control; powerful + psychological repression: traumatic events, hiding in unconscious - Psychodynamic Theory
emotional disability
3 Topography of the mind
1. Conscious – awareness
2. Subconscious – aware if we think about them
3. Unconscious – inaccessible
3 levels of mind structure
1. Id
- Pleasure
- immediate satisfaction
- Ego
- Reality
- impulse of id and superego - Superego
- Moral principles
- Learning difference between the
right and the wrong
Based on his book Beyond the Pleasure Principles
2 kinds of instinct that drive human behavior:
1. Eros
- life instinct, love
- Thanatos
- death instinct, aggression
o Dreams – unconscious.
o Verbal slips or Freudian slips – memory mistakes
o Free association – just speak continuously
Oedipus Complex
o Sophocles entitled ‘Oedipus Rex’
o Oedipus complex is about having unconscious sexual desire for the parent of the opposite sex and wish to exclude the parent of the same sex.
5 Stages of Psychosexual Development
o Oral Stage
- Birth – 1 year old
- Infant primary source of interaction is
through the mouth
o Anal Stage
- 1 year old – 3 years old
- Controlling the bladder and bowel
movement; toilet training starts
o Phallic Stage
- 3 years old – 6 years old
- child becomes aware of anatomical
sex differences
- Oedipus complex (in boys) and the
Electra complex (in girls)
o Latent Stage
- 6 years old – puberty
- Development of ego and superego
o Genital Stage
- puberty – death
- strong sexual interest towards the
opposite sex
- ego and superego are fully formed