2nd Year: SRS/SRT Site Policy, Procedures and Planning Flashcards
What IMRT QA do we do for SRS/SRT? What are the gamma criteria?
**SRT: **Only MapCheck
SRS Single Lesion: Only Lucy+EBT XD Film
SRS Multi-Lesion: Lucy+EBT XD Film AND MapCheck
- Lucy+Film is 3%, 1 mm, 10% threshold, 95% pass rate (level 2: drop to 90%) (level 3: investigate)
- MapCheck is 3%, 2 mm, 10% threshold, 95% pass rate (level 2: drop to 90%) (level 3: ArcCheck (only if SRT) and Lucy/Film)
Note: ArcCheck is never a fallback for SRS per our protocols. Only in rare cases for SRTs
What is the small field correction factor for our A16 ion chamber?
In cone planning, everything in the body contour is assumed to be water. What is the attenuation differences induced error that results from the skull also being assumed to be water in a 6 MV beam?
Approximate thickness of skull is 0.75 cm
Skull has a density of 1.4x that of water
Equivalent thickness of skull is 1.05 cm
1.05 - 0.75 = 0.3 cm
For a 6 MV beam, attenuation is approximately 4%/cm. So error is…
0.3 cm * 4%/cm = 1.2%
The TPS over-estimates dose at target by 1.2%
With cone plans, is the plan approved by the physician in cone-planning or eclipse? Why?
The plan is approved in eclipse
This is because in the past there was isuses with plan normalizations being difference between cone planning and eclipse. When something is approved in cone-planning, then sent to eclipse, the normalization of the approved plan could potentially change in transit.
Which mask do we use for SRS? What about SRT?
For both, we use the encompass open mask
We use this with OSMS
For whole brain or hippocampal sparing, which mask do we use?
Either the Aquaplast short maskw ith open eyes and mouth
Encompass open mask, no OSMS
Prior to treatment delivery, there are a lot of last second checks that the morning physicist has to perform. What are the ones of importance relating to daily QA results? (5 listed)
- WL Max Deviation < 1 mm and Mean Deviation < 0.5 mm
- If Cone SRS, Cone WL Deviation < 1 mm
- OSMS daily QA < 0.5 mm
- MPC for beam geometry and 6FFF and 10FFF beam check all pass
- Isocal verification within tolerance
An SRS/SRT patient is currently on the treatment couch, setup, ready for treatment. What are the pre-treatment delivery steps that you take with the MD and therapists? (10 listed)
- Usual timeout is performed
- Take the first CBCT
- Therapists fuse the first CBCT and get approval from MD
- Apply first CBCT shifts
- Take OSMS reference image
- Perform second CBCT with the MD present
- MD will perform a fusion. If the fusion is within < 0.5 mm and 0.5 deg, approve the fusion but do not apply the shifts
- If shifts exceed above tolerance, apply shifts, then take another verification CBCT
- Lock couch linear axes before beam-on
- Beam on
**Note: **the second CBCT is purely as a double check to make sure that the first CBCT shifts were good
Which MRI sequence is used for planning of SRS/SRT?
T1 is the go-to. In the past we only used T1
However, since there is a shortage of the good contrast, we have shifted to a newer contrast that is difficult to localize some lesions, so the rad oncs have also requested a T2-Flair be taken since this helps localize swelling around lesions
How long is a MR image valid which is used for treatment planning?
14 days
The patient must be treated within 14 days of the MR used for treatment planning being scanned
What 4 documents does the sim therapist need in aria before the start of a CT Sim for SRS/SRT?
- Patient consent
- Sim order
- Pathology report
- MRI report
Do you include the encompass mask in body contour for a cone plan? Why or why not?
NO! Never contour mask for cone plan
Cone plan assumes everything in body contour is water. So it’ll assume the mask is water, and any air gap between mask and skin is also water. It’ll also mess up the SSD parameter
Do you insert the encompass couch insert for cone planning?
You can if you want, but it’s pointless. Only what is in the body will be considered for cone planning. Anything outside of the body will be assumed to be air
What setup material are needed during CT sim?
Encompass board isnert
Encompass hand grips
Encompass grey E0 head rest
Encompass masks
Blue table pad
Red knee sponge
Hair tie and/or shower cap for patients with long hair
Why is patient hair important to account for in SRS/SRT setup?
You want reporoducibility
So you want want to make sure that the patient will not change their facial hair (ideally no facial hair) or head hair between sim and treatment, and that both are tame enough for a reproducible setup
Is the patient simmed with chin up or chin down? Why?
Chin down to a comfortable position
Better for OSMS
For SRS/SRT, where do you place the user origin BB’s on patient?
Trick question, you don’t
The encompass tabletop insert has 3 BB’s embedded in it. You use those. The purpose of them is to ensure that the 35 cm FOV covers the entire head + some inferior
What are the scan protocols for SRS/SRT?
SFOV=DFOV= 35 cm
Slice thickness = 1.00 mm
kVp = 120
Smart mA at max = 700 mA
Rotation period = 0.5 s
For MR to CT image registration, what is the recommended technique for registration?
Rigid registration
Align to intensity range, bony
Set ROI to encompass as closely as possible the entire skull
What are some identifying features for a good MR to CT registration for SRS/SRT?
Bony anatomy alignment, especially around eye
Soft tissue alignment, especially around ventricals
For Multi-Lesion LINAC SRS, where do you place isocenter?
centroid of total target volume
For a single lesion SRS, what are the size dependent rules for use of dynamic jaw tracking? Why does this rule only apply to single lesion SRS?
If lesion is large enough that field size required for good coverage is > 2 cm, use dynamic jaw tracking with MLC modulation
If lesion is small enough that field size required for good coverage is < 2 cm, fix the jaw size at 2x2 cm2 and use MLC modulation
For multi lesion your jaws have to be dynamic since the projected distance between lesions is angle dependent. You can’t just have one jaw setting otherwise you can miss at certain angles. You can have an all encompassing jaw angle, but then it’d be large
When creating a GTV/CTV/PTV structure for the physician, what do you do?
Make sure they are all high resolution
Name them according to plan and lesion number
What margin is used for GTV –> PTV?
2 mm
For IMRT SRS, what structurs must be included in the calc?
Encompass couch insert
Mask contoured with the body
The entire body
What dose grid size is used for SRS? What algorithm?
1 mm dose grid size
What is the most shallow lesion depth that a cone plan may be used to treat?
1 cm
In general, what are the constraints that stop one from doing cone planning?
One of these must be true…
Depth < 1.5 cm
Lesion near bone or air
Irregularly shaped lesion
High density materials near treatment area
What tolerances do we use for isocal verification?
Max Imager Shift kV and MV < 0.035 cm
Max deviation from central beam < 0.05 cm
In-plane imager rotations < 0.2 deg
What is the tolerance for OSMS daily QA that we use?
0.5 mm
What collimator jaw size is used for cones? What is the maximum allowed collimator size per Varian?
5 x 5 cm2
Max allowed is 5.6 x 5.6 cm2
For cone plans, what is the dose grid size?
0.5 mm
What is required slice thickness of CBCT for SRS/SRT?
1 mm
What pieces of information are to be listed on a written directive for SRS/SRT? (8 listed)
- Patient name
- Patient MRN
- Beam energy
- Modality
- Target dose
- Dose/Fx
- Treatment site
What is the tolerance on stereotactic CBCT couch shifts from shifts off original plan that we use in our clinic?
That is, when patient is aligned to BB’s, we then apply the shifts given from the plan and take a CBCT. What is the maximum shifts that the CBCT can yield before a double check of plan printout/registration is needed?
5 mm in any translational motion
2 deg in pitch, roll or rotation
What is the intracranial SRS OSMS tolerances? Why is the translational seemingly high?
2 mm translational magnitude
1 deg tolerance on pitch, roll, rotation
OSMS is a combination of inherent OSMS uncertainty, isocentricity, and patient motion. To make the OSMS tolerance 1 mm is asking for alot. 2 mm is more reasonable, and remember that the GTV –> PTV margin is also 2 mm
What information is discussed during SRS/SRT time out?
Patient armband and photos in room
Beam parameters (collimator angle, gantry start and end angles, couch kicks, energy, MUs)
Patient name, MRN, DOB
Fraction number
Dose per fraction
Treatment site
What selection criteria is used for SRS/SRT over other modalities for intracranial?
Patients should be very high functioning (high karnofsky performance status) and must have a good likelihood of longevity based on characteristics of primary disease
At our site, what is the larger diameter met that can be treated with SRS?
3 cm
True or False
For treatment planning optimization, both entrance and exit through eye are not allowed.
Only entrance through eye is not allowed. Exit is allowed
Why do we not allow our jaws to go down below 2x2 for treatment plans?
2x2 cm2 is the lowest jaw setting that we trust small field measurements for
We do have small field measurements below 1x1, we just don’t trust them as much
What are the coverage goals and hotspot constraint for SRS PTV and GTV for our site?
PTV: V100% > 95%
GTV: Dmin = 20 Gy
Dmax < 125% (130% at the absolute maximum)
(This is for 18 Gy in 1 Fx)
What is the IMRT SRS/SRT fall-off that we expect?
Describe the optimization use of ring and outer brain structures at our site
.5 cm ring: max dose = 90% of prescription
1 cm ring: max dose = 50% of prescription (loosen if difficult with multi met SRT brain patients)
2 cm ring: max dose = 10 - 30% of prescription (loosen for multi-met if not achieveable)
Outer brain (2 cm crop from all PTVs): max dose = 10-20% of prescription
What is ideal conformity index for SRS/SRT? What is the upper limit for our site?
Ideal = 1.0
Upper limit = 1.3
Which is easier to achieve a 1.0 conformity index for, multi-met or single-met?
Single-met is easier
No bridging
What isodose line do we evaluate for dose bridging?
It depends on the proximity of the nearby lesions
If they are really close to one another, you may have to settle with the bridging of the 80% line, and in some cases even the 100%
If they are further, you look at the 30-50% lines
In general, the further they are, the lower the isodose you look at is
What is the MU/arc limit for VMAT?
What about for SRS Arc mode?
VMAT: 2000 MU/arc
SRS Arc: 10,800 MU
What is the frequency in which we do our E2E tests for SRS/SRT/SBRT? What two types are there?
“Hiden target test” and Dosimetric test
MPPG 9a recommends a collimator size indicator daily test for “clinically relevant apertures.” Do we actually do this daily?
Yes and No?
We do a check at 20 x 20. But how relevant is it for small fields, which is the scope of MPPG 9a? You can argue it’s good enough, but you can also argue the other way. This has come up before in our clinic
Per MPPG 9a, what is the one specified patient-specific QA test that they recommend?
Dry-run collisional checks
What are the QA tests we perform daily that align with TG-142 and MPPG 9a for required for a stereotactic program? (9 listed)
- Laser localization
- Collimator size indicator
- Radiation isocentricity
- IGRT positioning
- Imaging Subsystem interlocks
- Stereotactic interlocks????
- Output constancy
- ODI @Iso
- OSMS Daily QA
What are the QA tests we perform monthly that align with TG-142 and MPPG 9a for required for a stereotactic program? (7 listed)
- Radiation isocentricity
- Couch position indicators
- Output constancy
- Laser Localization
- MLC travel speed
- Leaf position accuracy
- Image quality tests
How do we perform E2E for stereotactic at our site?
Two types, Dosimetric and Hidden Target
**Dosimetric: **Scan Lucy with Film and A16 inserts using CT sim and the scan protocols used for treatment. Create sample treatment plans with non-coplanar arcs and lesion at center of measurement media. Obtain either film dose plane or A16 mean dose. Deliver treatment on machine. Compare measured doses vs TPS. For film, do the usual procedure with Film QA Pro. For A16, measure the per field collected charge and add together, then correct reading to get mean dose in volume.
**Hidden Target: **Scan Calypso calibration cube on CT scanner and send to Eclipse. Contour beacons and create reference points at center of contours. Create a test plan with iso at the geometric center of the beacons. Export RP Dicom to calypso console. Align cube to isocenter according to the calypso array only. Use CBCT to then match to planning CT. Verify that post CBCT positions agree with the CBCT shifts.
In the past we used to MRI after CT Sim. How was this done, what was the benefit?
We used to give MRI the patient’s mask, and they had an encompass couch top over there. So they can reproduce our setup
Benefits are same setup, less movement
How often do we dry run for SRS/SBRT?
The ABR answer is to say always
The real answer is only when there’s a potential issue. For example…
- SBRT has no couch kicks, so your dry run can just be with the patient on the couch, rotate gantry 360 deg
- Single iso SRS at the center of the brain, or any SRS with iso near center will clearly not have a collision issue
Which cone algorithm do we have, CDC or ECDC?
At our site, we have recently started requesting the T2 Flair MRI with the T1. Do we have to do a separate registration for the T2 Flair to CT during TP? Why or why not?
In theory no, in practice maybe
The T2 flair is taken immediately after the T1 is taken. So in theory the patient should be in the exact same setup as the T1. So if the T1 is registered to the CT, that registration should also be good for the T2. But you always want to double check just incase the patient moved around in betwene the two sets
What are some general general practices you should employ when doing MRI to Ct registration for SRS brains?
- Always get a manual match close before auto matching
- Always align to bone first (turn on bone contour intensity range to bone)
- Make sure your VOI box for the automatch is tight on the skull (inferior border is BOS)
- Make sure skull and bones around eyes are properly aligned
- Double check registration with the soft tissue
- After double checking the T1 registration, ALWAYS make sure the registration is good for the T2 as well