28 - vag bleeds Flashcards
first step
- make sure hemodynamically stable
- IV if not
2 general groups of vag bleeds
- preg related
- non-preg related
- non-uterine
- ovulatory
- anovulatory
3 def. of abnormal bleeds
cycle - 28+/-7 days
flow - 4+/- 2 days
blood 30+/- 20ml
7 life threatening causes of vag. bleeds
- ectopic
- placentae abruptia
- placentae previa
- urertine rupture
- post-partum hemmorage
- post-partum or procedue endometritis
- trauma
7 origins of bleeds
- extra-uterine
- uterine
- cevix
- vag
- GU
- intra-abdo
- fistula
causes of bleeds in children
- can be normal for 6 weeks
- vagintis, precocious puberty, tumor, trauma
- most due to bike seats
- foreign bodies - bad smelling discharge
- need to exclude abuse
bleeds in young women
- assume pregnant
- ovulation 12.5 with 10 being lowe
- ask age of menarche
- contraception
- loss of flow due to loss of estrogen - ANA, excercise
- cause of mid cycle bleed usally pill
3 most common causes in post-menopausal
- estrogens from food and remedies
- atrophic changes
- endometrial CA
Tx of AUBs
- IV estrogen to stop bleeds
- tranexamic acids to stop
- others refer to gyn
questions to ask in bleed in preg. patient
- hemo stable?
- febrile?
- if cervix open can tissue be removed to help pain?
- is it ectopic?
- are there retained products?
- bleeding disorder?
- Rh status?
- give rhogam to and -ves - psych reaction?
what it do for inevitable and incomplete abortions
- pain control
- serial beta
- misoprostol for
risks for ectopic
- IUD, PID, infert Tx, pevic surgeries
what to do for ectopics
- HCG - can be unreliable
- US to look for intraterine preg and adneal mass
mgmt of ectopic
- usually surgical
- now some people use methotrexate
contraindications to metho
- hemo instable
- impending rupture
- abnormalities at baseline
relative - high baseline HCG
- fetal cardiac activity
3 causes of 3rd tri bleeds
- abruptio
- previa
- rupture
def. abruptio
- premature separation
- ## often due to trauma
def. previa
- implantation over the os
- painless bleeding preceeded by trauma or intercourse
def. rupture
high mortality
- often during delivery
6 causes of post-partum hemmoarge
- uterine atony - oxytocin
- rupture
- laceration tears
- retained tissue - US
- uterine investion
- coagulopath
instructions for those being discharged
- return if bleed or lightheaded
- clear fluids for those with surg
- follow up in 24 hours
- psych support